Thankyou Blizzard for protecting Era

Today I woke up initially disappointed by Blizzard again. Disappointed that they have yet again taken steps to break down and divide the classic community. The classic-era community is thriving and as a true fan of classic era it breaks my heart to see blizzard continuously cater to a very small percentage of players that are not present in game but loud on the forums.

This latest announcement offers two more iterations of wow for our already small community to spread even thinner across. Fresh and Hardcore fresh.
I think I could be on board if at the end the communities were brought back together with a merging of Era and Anniversary realms but it’s not looking like a possibility given the changes proposed. If anything please consider allowing characters be able to be copied to Era at the TBC launch.

Blizzard, please realise that the people you are constantly catering to are not fans of WoW Classic or Era. They hate it and do not play it. They are bandwagoners and unable to form their own opinions on what is good for the game. They jump from one thing to the next and will never be satisfied, leaving you with the bill to pay for dead servers.

they wanted fresh
they wanted hardcore
they wanted MoS removed
they want gdkps banned
they have been logged off for months since the last time you gave into them and will do so again
They want to complain about a game they don’t even play
How about working to retain the player base you have as well. For gods sake at the very least conduct some sort of community survey to determine what the true fans of era actually want for era

All this being said, my disappointment was eased with the announcement to ban GDKP in the anniversary realms. This is a light at the end of the tunnel for Era. It was the fuel to Era’s comeback and is what holds the majority of the player base in the game. It shows promise that much like SoD’s release and restrictions, the sad times ahead are only temporary. This announcement alone protects Era, they’ll be back.


I just want tbc and wrath arenas back, cataclysm arenas are pretty stale especially soon with the release of legendary staff and soon daggers as well. L


I don’t get why we cant use an in game currency to trade for gear, I want to join pugs and dont want to deal with 2 SR/ X item HR.


Agreed though my main point is how blizzard can make reasonable changes to the game if they communicate with players who actually play the game, about changes that are actually good for the longevity of the game.

The changes for Era are generally made to cater to such a small % of players who are just loud on the forums and inactive in game

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LC/SR guild : dies after gearing officers, people quitting.

GDKP: incentivize bis players to stay around and build more social interactions.

“lets ban gdkp because sr/lc (traditional) loot systems are better for the players and social environments.”

Not listening to player base time and time again while the loud minority in forums is catered to.


Lvl 51 sod toon on wild growth add something of worth in this discussion about Era

We have ~10k active raiders per week on US realms, and ~8k active raiders on EU realms.

Era IS thriving. Theres hundreds of players levelling in the open world, ranking, raiding and dungeoning. These announcements have just butchered all of that.


Where do you pull those numbers from? They are an illusion, as nobody is playing on Era except the HC folks.

Trying to get into a BG was unsuccesful for years now, nothing opens up below 60, there are no players, the AH´s are dead…

With them opening HC realms right from the start, they may protect classic fresh from the hordes of non group players that HC folks are, which is actually a good thing.

That being said, I doubt the fresh population is that big to justify a new start. Most people just kill the bosses and leave, they don´t have any interest in staying with era forever.

Also having just a single year before TBC is a big flaw, nobody can be that quick and not being able to dual spec or transmog collecting is unfun too.

Huh??? There would be close to 50 full clearing Naxx raids per week on the whitemane cluster Probably more?? I farmed 500k honor in AV this weekend just gone

What are you talking about sir

Edit: this feels like bait but I had to reply so anyone reading can see how false your statement is @Testoraeu

4 Likes website as well as the fact I personally run 5 naxxes a week on alliance, and know of over 70 more full raids that run it on alliance alone. PvP queues are nuts, we have a full twink bracket run by a member of the community.

Log onto Whitemane stormwind right now and youll see over 200 people hanging out, not to mention the 100s levelling in open world and in raids and dungeons


I agree with OP- banning GDKP on the new realms makes sure that Era will continue to have its niche. It will also hopefully reduce the constant efforts by some to have GDKP banned on Era. Anyone who wants that should be raiding on the new realms, not trying to tell us how to play.


some people don’t want to keep leveling new characters on vanilla servers that are 5+ years old… and it’s okay that these people are finally (FINALLY) getting what they want :expressionless:


I agree completely. I’ve been playing on Whitemane and having a great time, and there really are a lot of organic new players on there who are bummed that their progress will be lost. Era has seen a huge resurgence lately and I’ve been loving it. What Blizzard may not understand is that the big appeal of Era and Classic for me and a lot of other players, is that there is no rush. The rushed phase thing of SOD is why me and lots of other players left it to go to Era. Minmaxxers have already got to hit world first 1000 times, people are playing classic now because it’s chill and relaxing, not because they want to rush to minmaxx to world first or whatever.

I don’t want to play a new fresh vanilla, but I would play a fresh TBC with belves and dranei starting in TBC at level 1 as a TBC Era server. Then I could play vanilla on Whitemane and TBC there. I think a lot of people feel the same.


I came to this same conclusion after some reflection. Whitemane will survive this as it’s essentially the only place to GDKP.

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what loss? :expressionless: whole point of era is things are permanent. all your progress is there and will remain there. eventually people will get bored of the fresh servers and they will return.

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Not a loss as in it will be deleted, but a loss as in the server will be empty for a while, until AQ and the fresh server dies and everyone goes back to Whitemane when it isn’t fresh anymore, just like what happened with the Deviate Delight server. I used to be against GDKP until I played SOD, now without GDKP it’s going to be impossible to raid if you can’t commit to a guild raid night and buy 50g a piece consumes + respec and you parse 99 or they won’t invite you. Then even if you do get a spot, the raid lead will just give the leather DPS pants to his warrior friend. That’s the stuff that made me quit SOD.

Okay? Why does this process bother you so much? Why do you want everyone to play on the same server forever and ever and ever? I honestly don’t understand. :expressionless:

I mostly just want TBC classic now instead of Vanilla, really. Just happens that me and a lot of people basically just hit 60 for them to release a new server lol.

why? TBC is a boring flight simulator :expressionless: