Thankyou Blizzard for protecting Era

5 years to hit 60?!?

This is my old 2019 toon, lol. Unfortunately I never had time to raid back then, just leveled a new one on horde on Whitemane.

Because we already have a vanilla server, and TBC is the only other xpac thatā€™s good. I havenā€™t played it since I was a kid, so thereā€™s nostalgia there. It could suck, but I think having TBC Era and Vanilla Era exist at the same time would be ideal.

not a fresh one :expressionless:

nope, you just have rose colored glasses :expressionless:

Iā€™m ok with them making a fresh server if they allow free transfers back to Whitemane when it dies I guess, I donā€™t want the to farm people too much with transfers. I do think people really want TBC though. I also donā€™t want them to recreate the conditions of SOD where everything was rushed and it was just that toxic minmaxx vibe, I like Era because there is no rush. Iā€™m not interesting in fresh unless itā€™s TBC, I hope Whitemane stays alive.

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Playing on fresh servers is the most fun thing there is on WoW. If you really think people would rather roll on an Era server where a large percentage of players are already in full T3 BiS with 400k gold from spamming GDKPs all day than a fresh vanilla server then you exist in a bubble of nothing but era players. The fact that YOU believe you speak for what the average classic player wants is hilarious. You live in an era bubble.


thisā€¦ what is so hard to understand about it :expressionless:

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There is fun to a fresh server, but I just donā€™t want a repeat of SOD where if you parse bad one time in one raid or whatever itā€™s over for you sort of vibe. Thatā€™s so exhausting. If they are going to get rid of GDKP, they need to give us duel spec to make that less of an issue. Otherwise itā€™ll just be a repeat of SOD P3 where finding a group will feel like applying to med school. I just want to be able to PvP and raid without committing to a raid schedule somehow. If they arenā€™t careful this will turn into the disaster SOD was.

there will always be parse-obsessed jerks like that :expressionless: you need to join an end game raiding guild of likeminded people so this wonā€™t be a problem.

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But then I have to commit to a set schedule, see the problem? Also consume prices will be insane unaffordable, and all the chill people will get burned out and quit like in SOD so before long there wonā€™t be a chill guild to join. The most toxic person in the guild is usually raid lead, Iā€™m not trying to be bossed around and micromanaged in a video game by some neckbeard like itā€™s a job. I think this is a core problem with the game that needs to be addressed or fresh will die like SOD.

Iā€™ll admit I do live in the era bubble. I love Era so much for what it currently is.

I like the idea of fresh and seasonal events but at the end of the day Iā€™d love the community to stay together. I think a seasonal event is great if at the end of it you can merge your progress into your other toons - ie, copy character to Era @tbc launch.

Iā€™d love blizzard to talk to the community on this topic and actually hear what fans of classic/era want because at the moment the direction of classic and Era feel like itā€™s being guided by streamers who donā€™t play the game and loud voices on reddit and the forums who also donā€™t play the game


Long live corrupt loot councils! Enjoy running SRs and losing to the newest member! Get the DKP addon to crash and delete everyoneā€™s progression or simply freeze the whole raidā€™s game :))

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I still donā€™t understand why we needed HC fresh :confused:

youll find out this is completely untrue the week they open up MC and logs come out. i promise you the 17k era is not the majority

Classic era is thriving they say. They then complain about lots of stuff.

Complaining is therapeutic!