Thanks for this Blizz (story raids)

I wonder how a Story Raid would start? :thinking:

Something maybe like this: “Once upon a time in a dark deep dungeon, there lived a group of powerful loot piñata’s


They should have it drop stuff that would be of interest to people who don’t care about gear.

Maybe some kind of cool toys or transmog or something.

Anyway, this is a great change and I’m glad they’ve done this. Long time coming.


But YOU ARE NOT PREPARED for my master plan! Mwhahahahhaha!

Oh wait guess you were
 well crud here’s the loot have a nice day.

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I don’t think the whole “feels obligated” would even apply here even if it gave gear under LFR ilvl.

Pretty sure the pushers don’t even bother with LFR at this point with how fast gearing has been and m+ being an option.

You think guilds pull Tindral 600 times to get a 6 item level upgrade over heroic loot???


As was mentioned in a Discord server, I think the biggest win here for being is being able to do the “soak in the dxperience” aspect of a raid while it’s current and not 3-6yrs later. Just being able to slow down and appreciate the design of the place without peer pressure to get a move on is fantastic. I won’t feel pressured to skip the cinematics the first time through. I can actually listen to the talking heads to figure out what I’m doing and why I’m here. I can appreciate the design!

I remember my first time in Nyalotha, the way a section of the floor was done was stunning to me. I stopped to take a look, but my guild was running ahead. They never said anything other than “you okay back there?” but I still felt bad for holding them up.

I won’t do this mode for loot so I don’t care if it has any or not. I agree that it shouldn’t drop anything powerful, but a few pieces of WQ quality would be welcome to the people I’m sure.

Edited: assuming story mode get released the same time as normal, it will be VERY nice to also get to see it all without having to wait 6ish months for LFR wings to slowly be rolled out. Seriously, win all around.

Unless this is something that gets released like months later in a new patch or something. That would be a horrible lose.


This is a good change considering that a lot of stories wrap up in raids. Or new story threads are introduced in them.


As a heroic raider I will probably never use this but I’m hoping that this is them bringing the follower dungeon tech to raids. Casuals and people who enjoy solo content should be able to experience the raids too.


This is certainly something for the people who care about the story post-Legion.

Me? I’m still going to run LFR for fun-having and transmogs.

So long as they have baby shark music playing for that mode. :slight_smile:
I mean really is LFR not easy enough xD
I likely will try to to see what it is and never touch it again.
Maybe like using the AI follower dungeon to do the healing part of the legendary axe quest this can have some use.

Hopefully they get rid of LFR. The worst thing to ever happen to this game.

So because some people like to take their time to explore and experience a raid fully, they should get belittled and made out to be babies?

You know full well that if a user didn’t skip cutscenes or paused to listen to dialogue in LFR or normal raid they would be kicked out.


Other players here disagree.

If LFR Razageth generates as many complaints as it does, I’d hate to see what would happen if you put an LFR raid in front of normal Razageth (with the polarity mechanic in P2 and an actual DPS requirement)


Plenty of people will care when they figure it out and all the “only the 1% get rewards” threads start.

Nice addition for the few that actually don’t care about loot though.

This has the potential to be a huge benefit for transmog hunters as well if it drops LFR quality loot. The loot itself is already of a relatively low power level so a few extra loot drops shouldn’t be a problem either.(LFR loot is already on par with open world loot and below M+, Delves, and higher difficulty raids)

Not only that, but farming mogs after the raid is obsolete or even after the expansion is over will be so much more convenient.

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This. I am all for knocking on Blizzard for their stupid. But this is something that I can genuinely thank them for adding. I hope they continue it for all future raids. And major bonus points for making it backwards compatible with old raids.


I’m very excited about this addition. No loot is fine. I just want to finish my quest and see the content at my own pace.


Been suggesting this regularly around here since Cataclysm. :+1:


We had Torghast and that failed miserably in Shadowlands
 now they’re bringing it back.

YouTube existed long before this.