Thanks for this Blizz (story raids)

its probably not gonna affect the current raid status quo at all. its just an added difficulty for players who enjoy the story, and its obvious they are doing it cuz metrics say “oh look there is people who enjoy the story, and we built these elaborate set pieces, lets give them a chance to fully enjoy the setting established”


Oh wow, didn’t see that coming.

Wouldn’t this negate the need for LFR then?

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why if this wont drop loot more than likely. LFR is still the loot pinata

Remove the loot and most of them would never bother again.


Unless they either

1.) Add rewards to story mode


2.) Make Normal Queueable

Then i say nay to that one. Story mode is neat though.


id be happy if it awards basic adventurer gear like a weapon or something of import like a trinket or necklace to fill in the gap and boost ilvl

Blizzard W. Raids are masterpieces with tons of great art that cannot be admired as your raid team does not want to watch you stop for 5 minutes and admire the scenery while you take your screenshots. These things are meant to be admired and that just isn’t possible with a group of 10-25 people


I will absolutely do each one even without loot just so i dont feel like i need to go go go go and skip cutscenes.


you can admire them in 5 years

oh wait. in WW you wont have to wait!

Hmm. So you’re just repeating yourself? I’ll take that as admittance you don’t know what you’re talking about then. Appreciate it!

Itd have to be heroic dungeon/world quest level at best to avoid the whole “im being forced into storymode” mentality.

Id rather it just be reward free story mode. Quest completions and story is the reward.

i hought adventurer was world quest

So you don’t actually know what you’re talking about, got it.

Anyone who only cares about loot is hard focusing on M+, and it’s been that way for a few expansions now.

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yeah, I absolutely do not care about getting Loot from a Story Mode Raid. not even a little bit.

They should take this even further and allow us to use Followers.

absolutely this. and I can wait around and listen to the ambient dialogue and such too.


ill say this is definitely what the art director said they were working on in the leysttv interview a few weeks ago

But raids don’t even have any story. There is usually just some cutscene with a villain saying “Omg you have no chance bruh” and then we beat them up and they looked perplexed. And maybe a few lore characters are following us around saying random things.

Unless somehow they actually are adding story elements to raids.

this can change for the story experience though. its probably gonna be a skimmed down version of the raid. maybe 2 important bosses and theyre 3x smaller. im guessing

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erm. they definitely do. we can argue if the story is good or not but there is a story there. The art is also one of the main factors. the path to Sarkareth and sarkareth’s arena in abberrus is chef’s kiss.


I’ve always done raids on story difficulty … just 4-6 years after the rest of the expansion. I didn’t ask for this, but I certainly won’t be unhappy about it, politely assuming it actually makes it into the game.

Honestly i think it should just be a follower version of the raids. Make them piss easy but full length with LFR mechanics intact albeit weaker just for an introduction.