Thanks for the hoverboard!

We’re getting there. Now we just need housing and armor dyes.


Well they’ve repeatedly explained how the armor is all hand colored and armor dye wont work, and you already have a garrison so, no wasting time on barbie-game features thx.


Armor dye would be so amazing.


This literally does not work in a game like WoW. Basically every single armor asset would have to be retextured from scratch. They would have to literally compartmentalize every texture file & create, at a minimum 8 recolors (and these would be very bland Red, Blue, Yellow, etc.) for every compartmentalized piece of every single armor texture file in the game.

That’s the easy part btw, dealing with particle emissions for helms & shoulders? Absolutely nightmarish.

This would be a massive amount of work, would cost multiple raid tiers (considering art tends to be one of the bigger development bottlenecks, and has been acknowledged as such by Blizzard on multiple occasions) and wouldn’t even provide that much customization given the absolute basic colors they’d have to use.

They could do all of the above work but 18 times, even then you’d get a “Dark Red” “Red” “Light Red/Pink” as your options for all the basic colors.

Armor dye is not as cool as you think it is, and it would take a ton of work. I genuinely don’t think people grasp just how this would turn out, and how much effort it would take to push out something disappointingly mediocre.


For a hoverboard / surfboard its pretty disappointing
You dismounted soon as you get in water

99% of the remix rewards would be unnecessary.

Im picking up what your putting down OP. I miss that particular game too.


Nice elf, shades and bikini you got there for hating on barbie-game features thx


Sadly I don’t think many people will get the reference, even with your name. Still miss that one.


yeah this post is flying over everyones head, but same, I still miss it too


Who picks an Elf race and doesn’t like playing dress up barbi?


It’s a dang shame what happened to it too. I really wish there was a private server for it or something like SWG has.


I’m still pissed about how bad carbine’s leadership was and how they bungled the game at the last minute.

If they’d have taken all the dev hours put into warplots, the idea that an exec came up with on a whim while talking to the media and nobody even played, and put it into bugfixes and content, it’d have a shot at still chugging along as a B/C tier MMO. I mean RIFT’s shambling corpse is still up and about.


It had so many good concepts. Like I really loved that they baked exploration/lore into like a mini class to play.

I remember doing all the platforming challenges and having such a good time!

I also loved reinforcing quest zones. Like imagine if you could go build turrets and beef up the guards in Crossroads to make alliance attacks on it harder.

Gosh it was so good :sob:


I know one of their head devs was like “This game is for hardcores only. If you’re not a 40-man raider you need not apply”. His name was Frost or something. That hardcore only approach tanked the game when it came out. They managed to retool it to be more friendly to casual players, who became the main players, but the damage was done.

Then Blizz hired that guy.

Lmao, nice name.

Honestly. It fits a Night Elf. (Nightborne! Sorry aha.)

The mount customization was my favorite.

Imagine just slapping rabbit ears or a “taxi” or pizza delivery sign on your favorite WoW mount lol. (But stuff more appropriate for the game, like a faction or reputation flag, different armors, etc.)

Just like how you’d mog your own armor.

We only got that for DF, and for the dragons only.

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I guess I should have made one instead.

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The way I heard it from a former guildmate of mine who worked for them, is that the rank and file knew exactly what players wanted and were vocal about it, even implementing certain things as proof of concepts on their offtime just so they could get it approved to work on.

Meanwhile the execs were machines that turned coke into bad ideas. Though in all fairness, the horrific grind and nightmare scaling on endgame content was allegedly because most of the 40 man raid and the back half of the other raid were nowhere near ready, so it was meant to slow people down while not having to admit the content wasn’t ready for launch because most of their devs were being whipped to finish warplots. Which again, almost nobody even played.

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I didn’t buy the hoverboard because I didn’t like the colour. I’m waiting for the better versions to come out.

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I see what you mean, but I actually liked the 80’s colored hoverboard lol.

Your complaint is valid though- I’ve seen the other recolors in the files, people will 100% want those more.

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