Never say never. Some of the silly transmogs we get now used to be shunned by old devs. My point, they change their stance on some things in time.
Hoverboards, Orc Monks, We need nunchucks for weapons, Cowabunga!!!
If they didn’t have to “bake-in” the textures, they could just have the color parameter of a section of the armor in a variable that we could either select from a color wheel or a set of pre-allowed Colors.
But that also involve remaking ALL armor objects.
You’d have people in full Neon Green running around.
will never get armor dyes, just look at mop remix, they will never get over selling you ten thousand recolors of the same armor. making armor dyes will ruin that shtick.
you are saying the minority will dye with obnoxious colors which I agree but you are over-exaggerating how many people like that exist or will exist. even if everyone does that initially, the shock comedy routine will run its course very quickly as the novelty wears off. then you will see someone in bright pink or green armor once in a blue moon.
of course this is all moot because Blizzard will never add dyes because they save so much time just making a couple sets and just recoloring them a dozen times each to hand out to players one piece at a time. adding dyes would mean more work making more gear and this is Blizzard, thats too much work to bother.
I don’t see any problem with them just making new gear dyable and leaving old gear as is. Maybe they could go back and update older stuff a little at a time when they have time, but I don’t think they’d have to. Plenty of things in the game have new stuff that’s different from old stuff, even down to how hi or low res it is.
Ah, but they could save time by making those sets just one color and letting players do the other recolors themselves.
Armor dye system would be a nice upgrade and player housing would be greatly appreciated.
But you won’t be able to paint your walls! XD
Yeah… When I compare what WildStar hoverboards could do to this new WoW hoverboard it makes me worry about what a WoW housing system would be like.
Not into painting walls honestly, there are those people in Elwynn Forest I like to remove and take their house and their farm.
Ever play Rift? Thats as close to WoW as you’re going to get.
If they started doing the work now, then it would be there in the future. Armor dye was awesome in Rift, too bad you missed out. My problem with their system is they had some colors behind paywalls (The game became heavily paywalled which is why I left). But you could get dyes as loot, same as many other things aside from gear. Customization was pretty good.
Another feature with Rift was Dimensions, while they didn’t have player housing in the open world, you had your own dimension (multiples if you wanted to, I had a bunch for different needs) that were private instances that you could invite others to. You could design them however you wanted with many items and customizations to get as loot similar to gear loot.
These are two examples of features implemented in practically the same game engine.
Housing will be on the tender shop for 100k tender. buying it will give you a second hearthstone to your WoD garrison.
Will Blizzard ever do it? God no. Is it the impossible artistic/programmatic feat you described it as? Naw.
They’ve overhauled quite a bit programmatically in the past. The major issues with dyes and housing is neither are profitable options. Blizzard can milk recolors all day and folks who have no issue with it are the ones perpetuating it to be so.
Or, y’know, they could complain and demand a one-item, multi-color system. Which is funny because we already half have it in the re-colors we’re getting. Go figure, some pieces of gear have a “ghetto” dye system already in place. All we need now is a system to make it all one piece of gear.
But naw, not profitable, trading post prolong-able, or complained about. Never gonna happen.
Armor dye has literally nothing to do with programming. It’s purely a matter of texturing. Considering the way you’re posting, you have clearly never looked at a single texture file in your life.
You’re right, those GPU shaders just write themself.
That’s… weird.
Why would they make that choice given every other mount can go in the water?
Whoah, GPU shaders, you’re super tech literate!! Saying GPU shaders even though nobody was remotely talking about that at all totally gives you a pass for your completely ignorant statement on texture files!
Wait, no it doesn’t. You’re just trying to bring up something unrelated as an own. Not gonna work!
I bought one of those and promptly forgot about it. Need to remember to add it to my toolbars.
yeah a hoverboard that dismounts in water…