Thanks for ruining delves

But as an alternative gearing method, shouldn’t there be a gearing track? Aren’t T8’s listed as suggested for people ilvl 600? How many people here are not near the ilvl 600 that are doing this content and failing it due to just not being powerful enough? I get the complaint that people who were early to the content got an easy track for a couple days, but that seemingly was not intended. I think that if people are struggling on T8’s, try doing a 6, using your key and getting gear upgrades to progress up to 8’s. Especially since 8 is the stopping point for gear upgrades, to me it makes sense that it is the end point, not the starting point that people are trying to make it. It would be like a playing jumping directly into a +9 and being upset at the difficulty. My two cents anyways

A mob hitting that hard to be HAS to be a bug and needs addressing. But the overall difficulty of the Delves at T8 shouldn’t be what it was a couple days ago. I thought that Delves were an alternate form of gear progression, and some people are jumping right to the end of this progression without trying to work towards it. It sounds like that was not the case in your Delve experience, but I am positive some of the complaints are from people in the 570’s and 580’s who should be doing lower delves to start with. But to your original point, no trash mob should be one shotting a player that is at the recommended ilvl, that is absurd.

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People are that ilvl, a lot are actually.

Doubting that.

Since ilvl 603 gear isn’t something you’re going to reliably be able to get your hands on at this point in the Season. If we were in Week 2 or 3? Yeah okay, but Week 1? No.

Maybe one or two pieces, if you upgrade some of the vendor bought stuff and a crafted piece or two. But that’s not enough to bring your ilvl average up to the recommended 603+ required for Tier 8.

Mind you, all Blizzard did with the hotfixes that buffed enemies was increase the HP scaling of enemies in Delves if you were part of a group and fix a scaling bug which caused enemies to not scale correctly if you were in a group. They did absolutely nothing to affect solo players and we’ve got folks complaining now saying they can’t do the highest difficulty tiers for Delves in the first week.

Which tells me that the majority of these folks were cheesing the scaling bug with groups, and were likely undergeared and now that the bug has been fixed, they’re getting steamrolled, as they should have been because Tier 8 is designed to be hard as nails. In fact, doing any delves above Tier 8 doesn’t increase your gear rewards, so at that point you’re just doing it for the prestige and bragging rights.

Didnt your VP literally say Blizzard should listen to the players more, and now you go and do sht like this? Listen to your players, and revert this mistake of a hotfix!


Start the week 591 with the worst gear being 3 580 pieces.
3-5 veteran pieces from renown
2 omen crafted pieces
The raid.

You should be 600 this week or you’re behind.

What are we even talking about. If a non interruptable non avoidable cast from some random rare in T8 delve with two people knocks you instantly to the graveyard it’s not hard it’s IMPOSSIBLE


We’re not talking about mythic raiding here. Delve gear is on par with normal raids. And normal raids are much easier right now (and will get even easier faster as it is mostly mechanics tests).

What they should have done is just made gearing by delves slower. 2 guaranteed keys a week plus hero 1 gear in the vault would have made slow but fun gearing for solo players.

Not entirely true. Damage is doing weird, evil things on solo now. But more importantly, there are some classes (DK, Paladin, Hunter, warlock) that can easily solo Delves undergeared and others that need to be way overgeared to have a chance.


It’s already hit the news that these hotfixes ruined delves , read an article this morning about how enemies randomly doing 12+million damage for solo players (GL surviving a 1 shot with high ilvl gear) either blizzard is gonna roll back the delve scaling or they are gonna be food for a media frenzy


Where are you getting only T8 from? I was completing T8+ and many others completed T10+… thats how you unlock Zekvir level (??) which was completed.

Go check youtube bud

How many people are going to feel like they had the door shut on them and quit now.

I know Im one… Im not doing delves at this difficulty


Exactly, I agree Blizzard is at risk of losing some player base by doing this. They will be forced to change things asap.

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How to anger a community and lose a player base 101.

I think thats a bit dramatic. It was undertuned. Be happy you got EZ mode for a bit. It was like a free exploit.

I said 8 delves, not T8. 8 runs.

You said max rewards after all which come from bountiful delves.

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