Thanks For Not Caring About Holidays. Again

Tell Chromie, she didn’t give it to me, and there were no other apparent quests around.

Link the quest you’re talking about from Wowhead instead of saying platitudes like “Try Harder”.

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The same ones that have been around for years and were easily farmed?

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Dont you guys have holidays?

Nah, I’m gonna encourage you to figure it out like an adult. It’s not like adults can’t figure out how to use their eyes and look for the obvious quest givers that are highlighted like a Christmas tree, have map icons, and usually with a nice clump of players near them. If you could find the holiday vendor, you can find this quest giver. If all else fails, I’m sure you know how to use Wowhead.

Wowhead would probably be helpful for you in the future, before you go off making false statements on the forums again.

The same ones that this person clearly knows nothing about, and therefore is content for them to to do. :man_shrugging:


Yeah, I think the time I do try it’ll be when I can no longer afford them, which might be a long time. The vape certainly helped me preserve wealth by like hundreds of dollars. One bottle at $10-15 (mL varies in size/price) vs 20x$6x7

It comes from Lore or Historian Ju’pa, not Chromie.

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i can’t speak for you obviously but, cold turkey is what made me do it. i had a few cigarettes afterwards but i’ve been mostly clean for 6 yrs now. Having a small source of it just made it worse as id just hit said source harder which ruins the whole point.

I mean WoW is an adult now. They can vote and do all sorts of stuff now. That’s a pretty big deal imo.

Free mount, toy, and xp buff for about 5 min worth. Not bad.

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I actually used vaping to quit smoking… I dailed back the nicotine in my vape fluid slowly over time until it was gone…I then kept vaping for a few months at zero nicotine but started leaving it at home sometimes…eventually I tossed it in the garbage.

I still crave “smoking” even after 10 years or so but its not often and I can recognize that what I am craving is not what I would get if I had a smoke… its an idealized version of it… So its easy to pass up, take a deep breath and move on.

Yeah back when I was 21-22 I did quit cold turkey. The habit came back around 24. Since then its just been almost impossible. Massive headaches, blurred vision, eating a hole in my wallet (appetite), etc. Its brutal. I get the shakes, can’t hold anything its really bad. Profuse sweating, ooof.

New level 10 alt, spouting the same thing as another user spouted earlier? :thinking: Smells like sockpuppeting.

Further, OSRS, a MUCH smaller team and game, with FAR less monetization has COMPLETELY new holiday events for multiple holidays a year. Blizzard could too, people need to stop defending them.


Its been awhile but the main thing i remember is dizziness and being INCREDIBLY thirsty. After a week or two, taste buds started reactivating so that was fun. While at this point i’ve forgotten the actual taste, i’ll never forget the sensation of eating a california roll and realizing just how much smoking had killed my taste buds. in the words of bender: why didn’t anyone tell me tasting stuff tasted so good!?

its a tough fight but its worth it.

If you pay that much attention you might need a new hobby.

Take your own advice, since apparently you’re swapping to low level alts on fresh accounts to evade scrutiny or your name being associated with your posts as well as trying to make it look like something has more support than it does… But given it’s a completely bare acc including no mounts, definitely evading too.

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You are so right man I am done this this game !

Wrong, feel free to report me. If you’re correct then I’ll be actioned. What you’re doing right now is against the forum rules, this falls under the defamatory category.


Meanwhile wow in oce is having a blast finally at a legal drinking age.

Ok, all low res old gear appearances.

Can’t say I’d waste time flying around farming that.

The only people I ever see use youth as an insult are young people. Because they venerate adulthood so much they think it’s some kind of virtue to attain.

All you’ve encouraged me to do is keep believing what I believe and not really care.

At least Nobully gave an actual answer.

No, I did them in 2005 when they were current, and I vaguely remember doing that quest when it originally launched with the aniversary.

It’s not new content at all and I’m not sending a bunch of alts to farm these old bosses for old TBC/Vanilla skins that I probably have dozens of look alikes of.

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I’m hoping they revamp all of them soon since they are getting very stale. I just hope that after a revamp that the headless horseman mount is still there. It has eluded me since its inception.