Thanks For Not Caring About Holidays. Again

I’m not mad. I spent a whole 2 minutes interacting with the Anniversary and now it’s over.


Ya, what gives with this? :thinking:

They’ve given us these odd/random toys and mounts and for these anniversary events, but this year nothing? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

…and it’s even worse if u think about it, because supposedly “the WoW team is bigger than ever” and they allegedly hired a bunch of new WoW team people - so it’s not like they’re “crunching” or lacking workers to pump out more content

So there’s this supposed recharged/running-on-all-8-cylinders WoW team… but where’s the content?


I’m a little bummed there’s no event but I sighed and moved forward. Prepatch is next week so that’s good.

It’s 78 with the darkroom buff. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

:rofl: :rofl:


Really though, imagine going to someones house to celebrate their birthday and getting mad that they didn’t try hard enough to please YOU.


If you only found two minutes of things to do that a you problem. Four daily world bosses, Korrak’s Revenge is still a thing, and a gigantic exp boost - there’s plenty to fill the time if you actually do something. But you’re just looking to be mad, and that’s why you’re on the forums spending time whining instead of playing.


It’s a slap in the face!




That’s about all I had to say when I logged in just a moment ago for the first time today, to see there was absolutely nothing new.

This “extended” prepatch mingled with absolutely no love for the current game is about as lame as it gets.


Doomwalker’s a little weird, because the timing of things appearing in the game files suggested that it was going to be an anniversary thing celebrating TBC Classic, and then it didn’t get fully implemented for another year.

I suspect they may have been planning to do something similar for Wrath Classic, with the Frostbrood mount as a reward, but then they had the idea to make it a reward for actually touching Wrath.

Sucks there’s no pet, but hell, I won’t say no to the buff and free badges.

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Come on man, this is a disingenuous/white-knight take and you know it

Just as a reminder: this is a $180/year monthly subscription-fee game (…not including box price, store items, services, etc), we are paying customers and there is nothing wrong with having a reasonable expectation of fresh, regular content drips in exchange for our hard-earned money

1 year in between content drips (…and recently, tiny patches like Korthia) is unacceptable, let’s not kid ourselves here


If its a persons birthday this makes sense… when it’s a games anniversary it’s about the game still existing by way of their dedicated playerbase…

Aka its about WoW which is also a community…


well see they just showed off 4 new mounts for the shop

they can’t just go giving away these things for free


Not bad. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. People talking on the forums about mounts, or pets. 68% XP is nice.

FFXIV updates their holidays every year. It’s never anything huge but there’s always something fun like a pet, cosmetic or housing items after a short quest and the community loves it. I wish we had this here. Or at least something. I was hoping for at least like, slapping a witch hat on an undead battle pet.


I did all the things last year or the year before that and already have all the rewards.


Yeah i remember going to my grandparents 50th anniversary and telling them their choice of steakhouse was garbage and they should feel bad for not personally cooking for their entire family because as their grandson, the living product of their efforts to make a family they should give ME more attention.

Oh wait I didn’t do that because thats ridiculous.


Did you pay them box price and 180 a year?


Logs into all 3 of my WoW accounts and over 50+ toons to get the achievement like I do every year.

Would you rather them send another letter about deathwing this year?