Thanks for murdering Shadowstrike AU

Lololol blizzard didn’t kill oce.

Server had nobody on it anyways…

almost 6500 posts - keep going!


OCE servers have always been a meme. Pick the best West coast NA server and call it a day

Or play Asian servers.

Or don’t game in OCE… also an option.

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Its not that bad, transfer or stay, do hold hostage to everyone who wanted to transfer

Imagine trapping the hundreds of people who wanted to transfer off your dead realm who realize 150-200 ms isnt a big deal for casual classic … all so you could keep YOUR server intact.

I am sure there are hundreds of players legitamtely thankful to be off the god awful dead realm they were on.


This is not correct. I already told you that I flag things that are against the rules and don’t say anything.

What I find grating about your posts is the “school-yard bullying wording” and that’s probably what motivated me to call it out. This is a pet peeve to be fair. I just truly hope that this is a forum thing and you aren’t doing it in-game or especially offline.

Also even though I get why people don’t like some of what that poster you don’t like mentions, most of it doesn’t break the CoC, whereas wording things in the way you do does. Here I’ll link the CoC for you:
Blizzard Support - Forum Code of Conduct (

I already told you that I mostly stayed out of the OCE discussion yet here you are claiming otherwise. This is either not reading or gaslighting, both of which deflate any points you’re trying to make.


Since blizzard said this was a choice now there are people on shadowstrike who want to stay its on blizzard to provide a tailored solution to the problem they created.

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Rent free.

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pro tip=get a ping tunneling service

Pro tip we have 7ms we don’t need one.

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Software cannot defeat physics. Most ISPs already carry well optimized routing and additional services will not make any significant difference.

If you’re east coast it’s 180-200ms
If you’re west coast it’s 250ms
If you’re in SEA it’s 250-300ms

Can’t do anything about it.

Well at least in 1 regard Blizzard has replicated Vanilla, by making people play on US based servers again.


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Living rent free.

Proposal to revive shadowstrike as the gdkp server of sod and give it a chance to thrive.

The post where they were asking what people wanted it was overwhelming in the majority of allowing transfers. I read hundreds of post saying “option 1 or 3” Mostly 3. Both are transfer to NA. I don’t even know if I ready a single option 2 user.

This sounds like a minority issue. Majority won.

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tbf it was assisted suicide. people could have chosen not to leave.


We did and now we are asking for some kind of solution / change to the server to keep it playable or bring players back.

Funny thing is though even after some people have gone to crusader strike there still trolling threads to do anything they can to make shadowstrike unplayable.

Unfortunately there gonna find out the hard way that some people aren’t going to leave the server regardless of what happens.

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I thought they nerfed the druid weapon. Scared me for a second.

It’s only the aussies tho. Get fckd ya cnts.

Skill issue.