Thanks Blizzard! for hearing the people concerned with faction balance in fresh

YESSSS! Great decision blizzard!!! This was the best possible outcome and you decided to do it.
This ensures a healthy fresh pop forever, won’t need to open transfers ever. Faction balance will be pretty much 50/50.
People here don’t understand that this was the only way to make a server faction balanced, any other server added would make it a possible escape way for people to transfer off if their faction is not the biggest.

Way to go blizzard !
Thanks a lot.



There’s going to be paid faction transfers. The second it tilts one way or the other, there will be a cascade. No one wants to be on the losing side.

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I do want to be on the losing side. Also, I doubt they will have faction transfers in fresh servers :slight_smile:
Until we have any news about them for fresh you are just assuming

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Blizzard is lazy and greedy. I have 0 expectations for them to do anything to maintain a healthy server population.

I mean I agree with you. But at the same time I believe they took the decision to open only one fresh realm exactly because of the faction balance issue. They knew it was the only way to make it near 50/50. Actually we all know it’s the only way other than enforcing unpopular measures like faction queue and all that

Didn’t they already say there will be transfers after 90 days?

No. They said a minimum of 90 days before transfers.


Nope they didn’t. THey only said they would consider thinking about them once the 90 day mark. And only if the population of the fresh servers are unhealthy. Which right now with only one fresh server it ensures it will always have a decent amount of people, meaning they will never opening transferrs :slight_smile:

Well that would be nice and wish the new realm the best, but I don’t want to start over and I want to play on a faction balanced server too.

I wish they could merge some more realms that are 100% of one faction with eachother to make it happen.

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you are always welcome in the fresh servers if you wanna give it a go and see how you like it there :slight_smile:

I’m sure it would be great, but I literally just finished leveling 60-70 on my Vanilla character and then 1-70 on a new guy. I would go there if I could transfer there, but if transfers were possible it would probably become ruined.

Unless maybe only 1 way transfers were ever enabled. You go there and are stuck.

Ideally they just merge realms until balance and population is restored and then disable transfers everywhere. Then if population declines through whatever other means they could open free transfers in a way that maintains balance again.

There is no limitation for transfer out, the restriction is only for transfer in. Many people will make alts at fresh start and then transfer out if they are on the weak side

Nope, they talked about transfers as a whole. Right know there are 0 statements that would support what you said

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Please double check the fresh start blue post

already did. nothing there that would support what you said :slight_smile:

  • For at least 90 days, Fresh Start realms will not be available destinations for character transfers.
    destination, not source realm

Pffttt. If that’s your evidence my bro you’ll be down for dissapointment once the 90 day mark hits and wanna transfer off

Nah, that’s selfish. A lot of people don’t want to PvP, there should be a PVE option.

I understand you. I wouldn’t care at all if they actually had made 1 pve fresh realm instead of pvp. Even tho I prefer pvp.

I just care about faction balance, and this is pretty much the only way of making it possible