Thanks Blizzard! for hearing the people concerned with faction balance in fresh

It is all transfers. They are not gonna let you transfer off at 90 days or before that. LUL if you think that.

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I honestly believe that there’s players here that don’t understand what this means. This means you can transfer off the server within this time frame and if blizzard saw this as being unhealthy, they will allow or consider transfers to this realm after 90 days.

It absolutely does not. They will 100% not allow transfers of any kind.


Unless blizzard fixes what I quoted, you are wrong from a reading comprehension level.


I think you are the one misreading the info dude,
Tell me one case, only one case when blizzard has actually done what you are saying… I’ll wait here…
Oh yeah, I thought so

Blizzard is also very vague when it comes to this. I’ve read their responses and it doesn’t hit at anything for limiting or not letting people transfer off, only to transfer to the realm.

Great job Blizzard! No decision was gonna make everyone happy. This is the best overall decision. Awesome job!

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transfers TO the server are the problem. Fresh servers are wanted by the playerbase to a) get in fresh if you werent playing TBC/Vanilla and b) playing on a server where the economy hasn’t been destroyed already by GDKPs (by destroyed I mean massive inflation). By letting people transfer there, you let these people bring their wealth over and inject it into the economy, killing one of those two points.

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