Thank You for the Swift Shorestrider

So, you are trying to say all my TCG mounts were duped? I got all of mine for reasonable prices.

Then probably, yeah.

Or at least you got them that low as a result of the market being flooded by dupes, which is the same thing.

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Awesome, I wonder how Blizzard feels about that.

Funny, thing is they stated they won’t be making some available due to prestige! :rofl:

That’s not what I’m doing. I’m sorry you defaulted to that approach with this thread. In any case, I do not share the same view. There have been a couple of 4Twitch drops or Prime rewards that I already had from before. I had one of these reactions each time:

  1. I’m glad I don’t have to have a tab open for 4 hours
  2. I’m happy that others have an official way to obtain these now

If Blizzard decided they wanted to give the Spectral Tiger away next, then that’s fine with me. Nobody should have to spend multi-cap in game via unsupported transactions, or thousands on eBay, to get one.


No, i didn’t.

I purchased it directly from a friend of mine that would buy a card each time a new mount was released, then he’d sell the mounts to fund his raiding efforts for the months ahead. He basically used it as a legit way of purchasing gold, he came to me most of the time because i was the main AH player that dealt in high end items and always had gold on hand.

I doubt they particularly care, especially since they’re just re-using them for new promotions anyways.

That’s hardly indicative of the typical situation then, is it?

I’d like to know the stats on it but I guess it is all speculation right now.

At the time, they were mostly just purchased/sold via the AH, dupes happened here and there but most people i knew wouldn’t deal with shady people with broken English that refused to put the mount on the AH (a lot of the times the dupes couldn’t be listed for some reason and needed to be traded from person to person).

I’m sure we’ll never know. If it were that easy for Blizzard to tell which ones were duped then they probably never would have been sold often enough to affect the market anyways.

Honestly, they should make everyone of them available through promotions.


I just wish they had of put them all onto the BMAH, the few that are currently on the BMAH loot table end up making their way onto the normal AH for very reasonable prices, i think that would have been the ideal solution.

Nah, the BMAH is just as bad and completely controlled by whales. Promotions are a far better solution.


I wouldn’t hold your breath on that one lmao

Yeah, people minimizing Twitch streams while they play is much better :roll_eyes:

Unironically yes :dracthyr_shrug:

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I don’t even know how to respond to that :joy:

It boosts the game’s visibility on social media which is value provided for Blizzard, and lets people get some neat cosmetics without having to devote hours of their time to camping an auction house just to lose an item to someone who swiped a credit card a few times.

Sounds like a win/win to me.


Tokens were a horrible addition to the game and really muddied the waters imo.

The BMAH is in a really bad state and it just needs to be completely overhauled. In its present form, if you’re not on a 230AM to gold cap something super-rare, or on at midnight to fend off snipers, you’re not getting anything. The BMAH is largely useless to players who aren’t on in those narrow windows.


At least there will be less screaming.