Thank you Blizz for providing a way for us to obtain the Swift Shorestrider that didn’t require spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on eBay. I just claimed mine a few minutes ago off of Twitch Prime and it was instantly delivered.
The bird is gorgeous and I am very happy to own one now. Thank you again!
“Gorgeous” is a bit of a stretch in my book, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all of that, so who am I to judge? Even so, it doesn’t look terrible, in my opinion.
It definitely looks better than it did over a decade ago…
That’s funny, because i got mine with just gold (I think it was 150k, they weren’t especially popular when they first came out), why do people keep pretending like real money was the only way to ever get these things? I get it, you’re all happy about getting free stuff and I’m happy for you, but lets not pretend like they were completely unavailable to you for all of these years and now you can finally access them.
You simply didn’t want to spend the gold, and that’s totally fine, but just be honest about it lol
Fortunately there is no pretending going on. You are making the assumption I was playing the game when they were being duped and sold for 150k. Keep in mind this game is approaching 20 years old. Not everyone who plays the game today was playing back then or throughout all of that time.
See, there you go again, there’s no need to keep forcing this type of narrative, whales with credit cards and shady Chinese dupes don’t make up 100% of what has gone on with the TCG trade within the game, they were an ugly minority.
There I go again with what exactly? You state that you bought yours with gold for 150k and made a strange assumption that I’m happy because I just didn’t want to spend the gold. There is no “narrative” being pushed by me other than “not everyone was around when you were able to buy yours for a low cost.”
For what it’s worth, I dropped 27 million on a Spectral Tiger in SL (the non-Swift version because it looks better), so it’s certainly not a matter of not wanting to spend 150k gold. Mind you, it was nearly impossible to find someone trustworthy to make that trade with. I suggest not creating broad assumptions out of thin air.
Honestly what I’m really really hoping to get in the future are more recolors of the Battle Tanks that are ridable outside of AQ. I don’t ever expect the Black ones to come back, but the only other obtainable one is the Aquamarine Archaeology one. I just want more colors bc a lot of the Battle Tank NPCs have really really cool color palettes
The thing that bugs me about these Twitch drop giveaways isn’t the fact that people are getting stuff for free, i have actually advocated for their return to the game for many years now, i had hoped they would come back in a more gameplay positive way, but it is what it is.
What bugs me the most is this constant need to minimize the efforts of the original TCG owners, as if we are all evil credit card wielding whales or purchased dupes, i was extremely active in the mount collecting community for a lot of years and i can tell you that the vast majority of us saved our butts off and watched our respective auction houses like hawks to flesh out our TCG collections. We didn’t do anything wrong and we played no role in the cards going out of production and prices spiralling out of control.
Now these promotions keep happening and every day there are posts calling for X, Y or Z mount to be given away next and passing around the popcorn so we can all rub it in the noses of the people that already own the mounts, it’s just uncalled for
Spectral Tiger/Swift Spectral Tiger owner here, which I got the hard way (money spent for random packs of cards). I also bought a lot of TCG pets off of the AH over a couple of years and spent more gold than I probably should have. Still not seeing the problem with their current approach.