Thank you for removing multi boxing

Doesn’t work since my 2nd account is on my old laptop, not the same PC. Plus I don’t want to use 3rd party software, since its massive overkill. I just want to make use of my Raiding Main Healer on off nights while still being able to kill something.

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Mutliboxers remind me of the bogeyman. People talk about how bad they are to the game but I saw maybe one from vanilla-wotlk.


Plus a popular streamer said yesterday he cant wait to multi box, So it must still be a thing.

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One of the reasons to specifically using something like ISBOXER is that it can sync across PCs. I have used it that way as well as just multiple instances on 1 pc.

I prefer macros and multi tabs, but ISBOXER works for anything complicated.

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Exactly. I think I saw one multi-boxer between Vanilla and BC. I met more peole that dual boxed.

I will make it legal

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Aren’t multi-boxing and botting two totally different things? Why would multi-boxing be cheating?

If I wanted to pay for 5 accounts and run my own group, why is that a problem for other people? Honestly why do people care so much about how others have fun…?



Not really, only difference is one requires you to be in front of the computer.

It’s cheating because the content is meant for 5 players. You are getting 5 times the intended amount of material and gear. That is cheating.

Because the AH and trade chat economy is directly impacted by cheaters having more than they should, devaluating what the legit have.

Old thread I know but still relevant

Those who wrote their own software?

Have blizzard/blue poster confirmed if multiboxing will be allowed on Classic?

Dual boxing I had Mage 1 and Mage 2
Mage 1 had all normal abilities linked to whatever keys.
Mage 2 had /assist Mage 1 macro’d with all abiliites for same keys as they were on Mage 1
Then they would focus same targets every time even if I switched on Mage 1

It will be fine.
Follow the rules. There are always workarounds.

The only thing that could truely ‘break’ boxing for most of us is if follow was completely removed.

With the workaround being constant camera angle reassignments.

i actually do use my feet to control my 2nd pc and account, i got a mini bluetooth mouse and keyboard on my desk with my main set and a controller under the desk built into a makeshift stand so i can push it into the wall to hit triggers and move the joysticks around with the balls of my feet and i press the skittles and arrow keys with my pinkie toes great setup for a classic pally alt

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I am multiboxing just fine!

not going to happen, but thanks for asking

lol addons are cheating? and multiboxing is “pay to win?” how?

Hoof. The correct term is “hoof”.

And yes, I shot it. It was multi-boxing.

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