It’s almost as if this is general discussion.
Exactly Garithos was certainly capable of being evil but his only real issues were his distrust of anything non-human.
There was that one time the Alliance made a great villain, but we spend an entire expansion trying to get him off his frosty throne. Hopefully they find a way to top that in my lifetime…
Both MU and AU Draenei worshipped the Naaru, even Turalyon worshipped Xe’ra, MU Draenei just haven’t shown their true color until peace is attained.
I’m disappointed it changed.
As Mathias Shaw says, “Kind of you to say, but if I had to choose between satisfying honor and getting the job done, I’ll pick the latter every time. For the Alliance, of course.”
Eh. They had the perfect opportunity to work an evil character into the Alliance with Ashvane.
But they opted to just make her into a villain the Alliance fight against.
And now they’re randomly have her join the Horde in 8.1, despite the fact she’s vehemently anti-Horde. Cause apparently if you’re evil you automatically join the Horde.
And whoooooosh. You are dealing with absolutes again, thinking of an entire group of people and not the individuals that make up those groups.
You are telling me that in the course of history, there aren’t any descendants of holocaust victims out there doing hate crimes themselves?
Or that there aren’t people that have been historically persecuted because of the color of their skin, their religion or some other superfluous reason that’s out there persecuting other people because of those people’s skin color, religion or sexual orientation?
If the Draenai were still present in these quests, they represent individual Draenai. I find it less believable that not a single Draenai would join a purge squad. At this point in time we will have Draenai that have spent more time on Azeroth than on Argus and the cultural influences of the other races could have impacted and altered the mind sets of these individuals. It’s ridiculous to think that out of the entire Draenai race, you won’t find a single one that would do something unscrupulous or scummy… but that’s what you want and that’s why you can’t be morally gray.
There’s a reason why every neutral race of Azeroth tend to join the Horde, while Alliance is just scrapping former allies and relatives.
Okay, let me re-clarify, my issue is it pushed the idea the whole Draenei race was interested in exterminating them. I’m all for the devs trying to actually make the Alliance morally grey, but don’t start with the most radical variation, ease into it. Show the buildup, the slow sacrifice of one’s moral compass. Instead we go straight to Purge the Xenos mode, it seems so forced.
Neither has the capacity; both helped in reprisals against those aggressors; and both have committed their own atrocities.
You. You should have been in charge of designing that quest because it would have been a great way to show that not every Alliance soldier would be behind Anduin’s way of thinking and do whatever they see fit to fight the Horde. It would have given either a chance to show Anduin growing as a leader or still relying on Genn in the aftermath of the quest while also showing that not everyone in the Alliance is a paragon of honor and justice.
The only reason why it pushed the idea of the whole Draenai race is because that’s your idea, your mindset. There was no narrative that pushed that other than the one you created. Velen didn’t give this grand announcement that all Draenai will go forth and kill silly looking fox people. Those Draenai NPCs that joined the purge squads did so of their on volition but you and many other Alliance players saw a handful of Draenai NPCs doing something nasty and over generalized it to the entire race.
Well that’s nice. Was wondering what lunatic was trying to write the Alliance as some kind of alt right supremacist faction.
The problem is we jump straight to the other end of the spectrum, can you still not see anything wrong with that? The Vulpera refused to stop trading with the Horde, so the answer is annihilation? Not simply slash and burning their resources, blockades, or any other potential ways they could stop it? We just jump straight to the most extreme variant.
The writers are lazy and its painful to watch really. Especially since we’re oh so concerned about those civilian casualties in the upcoming raid. I want the Alliance to be morally grey, but it’s like teaching a kid to swim by throwing them into the deep end of the pool.
Eh, by that point he’d already turned on and against the Alliance as definitively as any character ever has turned on anything.
The Lich King was no more an Alliance character by virtue of Arthas as he was a Horde character by virtue of Ner’zhul.
And what does that have to do with a handful of Draenai? Your outrage isn’t that there were purge squads… just that Draenai were part of those purge squads. But if you’re hoping to deflect I’ll happily oblige.
First, it is bad writing. I never got to respond to Benediction but he is correct in that it would have been great to have some character building of leaders in the Alliance that do not share the same ideas/morals as Anduin. Prince manboy might lead the entire Alliance, but he doesn’t over see every single detail. Obviously things get delegated and when you delegate something to an overzealous, aggressive leader then you might end up with an extreme reaction (e.g., that one Orc in Stonetalon Mountain that got thrown off a cliff by Garrosh). So extremes are believable, just would have been nice to get more context.
One thing the Vulpera make clear is that none of us can survive in that desert anymore. I would assume then that we are buying their help, as well as whatever trinkets the little thieves have been lifting.
A bunch of things alliance have hurled abuse at horde players over never happened in the horde story. I guess the premise is that others from your faction did things you didn’t know about. It means you have to play both sides before you can realistically discuss any of this or you won’t understand what has built the other side’s perceptions.
I certainly hope that no players are hurling abuse at any other players over the actions of their in-game faction!
Also, I agree with you. There are two sides to the story, which is why only recently are some Horde players having that “Are we the baddies?” moment in game.
But I’m not sold that omitting entire plot points from one faction or the other is a good way to tell a story. We put a lot of care and time into our WoW characters, we should be able to get a pretty good picture of the story as a whole only playing one side.
Absolutely agree. I wouldn’t choose this path either as it allows one faction to see a story that might be in direct conflict to what the other faction thinks and feels as players. That can lead to outlandish plots that only serve to encourage the more excitable among us players to get carried away with their faction hate tirades.
A story should be complete and stand on its own with parts seen from one side and parts from the other where necessary. But there should be no glaring differences. Having done most or all of the war campaigns on both sides now, one thing I can say is, I really want to see more of the San’layn. I did not even know they were in play.
That’s been going on for years. Some people have an incredibly difficult time differentiating the player from the game.