Thank You For Acknowledging It's Still Called the "Big Love Rocket"

With all of the controversy surrounding the name change, this is very appreciated and helps give a bit back to what was taken away :slight_smile:


Now you done it.


Ope, someone forgot to change the holiday message.


Someone forgot to use control + h!

Nope, they know what the true name is :slight_smile:


well it’s canon now.


Can they buff the drop rate too? I’m sick and tired of boomers defending outdated design in this game lol.


Now now, the name was what was toxic, not the extremely low drop rate that contributes to degenerate gameplay.


That should have been done ages ago.
I got mine last year and I 100% support making it less of a nightmare for everyone.
100’s of attempts every year since it was put in the game and it still took over a decade!


heads will roll for this

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I mean, I’m just going to call it Big Love Rocket since everyone knows it as that lol.

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Or their practice of making items exclusive to a minority of players, which is the opposite of being inclusive, and preys on addicts. Shills will eat it up, though.

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You mean like the one who proudly proclaims “I will defend all player accomplishments” and “If you weren’t there, too bad, you don’t get the chance to get what I have”, in the same breath, in Mage Tower topics?

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Just wondering, what’s with the name change from “Humanbreak” to “Humanbeak”?

Just seems so random to do a name-change over just 1 letter (removing the “r”) :joy:

I thought his character was always Humanbeak. I just noticed that his character was now a woman.


I has one!

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It would be pretty random had I actually done a name change :wink:

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Now we sit and wait to see if they change it on the site.


I am one who believes the mage tower appearances shouldn’t be brought back, as they were advertised as limited time.

however I also think the extremely low drop chance on many items currently in the game is ridiculous and should be changed.

so what if more people get the HH mount, or TLPD, or love rocket, etc. the items are in the game, they don’t need to be so absurdly elusive.

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Wasn’t talking about you :wink: You’re actually reasonable.