Thank you Blizzard

That was the best darn cinematic that I have ever witnessed. My mind body and soul was 100% not ready. I’m happy that Saurfang finally challenged Sylvanas, and that Sylvanas proved yet again why she’s God among insects when it comes to fighting skills.

This sums up a lot of my feelings about the cinematic:

One thing I’m quite curious about tho, at what point do we go from “I need to protect myself the Darkness” to “My goal is to send everyone else except the Forsaken to the Darkness”? If that was her goal, why save the Horde at the Broken Shore, some things just aren’t adding up? Is this a “wait and see” moment or is her change in motivation one of those things that will never be explained because of mustache twirling?


Because Sylvanas isn’t trying to screw over everyone, she’s trying to save them.



“My goal is to send everyone else except the Forsaken to the Darkness”

Quite presumptuous that you think her “Mongrel Race of Rotten Corpses” were any less expendable than the rest of the Horde. Hell, she openly admits that at most she pitied their existence, but she didn’t have any specific attachment to them. And she changed her motive since “Edge of Night”. This is the same damned character arc she’s been on for 9 years. She still seems to be trying to find a method to avoid her own eternity … and it seems she found a method that no longer requires the services of either the Horde or Forsaken.


Why aren’t you in the discord yet? Samariyu yearns for some Forsaken company.


Hey! You’re back!

Nah, she’ll feed the Forsaken to it, too:

    Lady Sylvanas Windruner: But despite all I taught them, they stubbornly clung to hope. To life.

    Lady Sylvanas Windruner: They will learn the truth, along with all the rest.

Turns out it was Sylvanas giving all those souls to the darkness.

    Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: Countless souls have been fed to the hungering darkness.

    Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: My bargain with Azshara will yet bear fruit. The armies of Azeroth will fight her master, and he will line their streets with corpses.


Cause the legion would obliviously ruin those plans

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Kinda cringe.



I think you’re barking up the wrong tree.

I’ve never thought the Forsaken were or are any less expandable, if the options for Sylvanas were between her or the Forsaken she would choose herself everytime. Nothing really changed my mind from her EoN characterization.

In EoN she wants the Forsaken to save her from the Darkness she commences to do everything in her power to increase the Forsaken. As of the last cinematic she wants an old god to gobble up everyone’s souls. I hope that is explained in the future instead of glossed over.

Saw an undead/Sylvanas loving Sam’ariyu on twitter. Is that him or her?

    Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Regent Lord, what manner of magic did Sylvanas use against Saurfang?

    Lor’themar Theron says: I had hoped either you or Thalyssra would have the answer to that question. I have never seen her wield such power.
    First Arcanist Thalyssra says: It was unlike any magic I have ever encountered. I could sense none of it, even in her presence.
    Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Then she must have only recently acquired it… or simply waited until now to reveal it.
    Lor’themar Theron says: Either way, it does not bode well for us. Whatever she is planning, she no longer needs the Horde to achieve it.

All the death she has been bringing seems to be giving her new powers. She probably doesn’t feel she needs the Forsaken to protect her any more if she thinks she can protect herself.


No … she stated that N’Zoth will cause widescale death against the Alliance and Horde, which will in turn serve Death. She in no way suggested that the Old God himself is gobbling up souls (unless the Hungering Death happens to be good ol’ Yoggie, which I think that it probably is). Regardless, its not going to be N’Zoth thats consuming the souls of the dead … he’s just being used to provide the meal for something else (and might end up stuck in that dagger she’s been carrying around).

As a side note, this vid certainly does remind me that there really is a faction of the RED team that really only ever cared about Sylvanas (and nothing else about the Horde). It also makes me VERY glad that the Forsaken finally might have an opportunity to escape from her influence.


Except they didn’t do it naturally, Blizzard literally just flipped 180 on the Forsaken by making them go “screw Sylvanas I never liked her anyway” despite no prior build-up or narrative cast that felt that way.


Is she banned from Golden’s Twitter feed over BtS retcon of the Forsaken? If so, likely yes. Get in here, DM Anyaceltica#6573 if the link doesn’t work.

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They did the one thing that Sylvanas always needed to do for them to finally turn on her. She revealed what they TRULY are to her. They are NOTHING anymore. They are tools for her own personal use, that based off her own immense power she’s accumulated she no longer needs. They have no value to her … and just like she did at ICC … threw them away like trash.

Much of their loyalty to her revolved a near cultlike belief that their abuser somehow cared about them (at the very least); and no matter what she did … somehow it was in their best interest. Well, that illusion has been shattered. The mask has been shattered. And the result is them losing everything … their homes; their lands; their leaders … the are truly Forsaken again.


Oh wow, thanks for that.

Doesn’t matter old god or nah. Some dude named Death wants to eat my soul and make me serve him.

I just find it suspicious that she was bending over backwards to stay out of the Darkness, now she wants everyone else to go there lmao!

I’m about to chill, but I’ll save the link just in case I want to pop in later.


Well, my guess is that she found a method to BECOME the Darkness. If you can’t beat death, become death I suppose. I very much doubt she is serving without the intention of betrayal. After all, her MO IS using others for personal objectives; then discarding them when they cease to be of use. I don’t see why that would change now.

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This pleases me! I hope its something good : )

I wish the Horde’s future looked as promising : (

I take it you didn’t read Before the Storm?


You’re welcome!

That reminds me:

    Sylvanas Windrunner: The Horde is nothing!
    Overlord Geya'rah: Keep an eye out for any who still obey Sylvanas!

    Overlord Geya’rah: And remember the lesson to be learned from her.
    Overlord Geya’rah: She was a strong warchief. She did whatever it took to achieve victory.
    Overlord Geya’rah: But she fought only for herself, not for the Horde!
    Overlord Geya’rah: We were nothing to her! She abandoned her own people!
    Overlord Geya’rah: A great leader must have more than strength.
    Overlord Geya’rah: They must be true to their people. They must live and die for them!
    Overlord Geya’rah: Do not forget this. We will not repeat Sylvanas’s mistakes!

For bonus points, Lady Liadrin:

    With Saurfang dead and Sylvanas... absent, Orgrimmar is without a warchief. Meanwhile, the threat of N'Zoth looms over us all. We mustn't allow Orgrimmar to descend into chaos.

    Remain vigilant for any signs of N’Zoth’s influence… along with any who cling to Sylvanas’s twisted ideals.


Orgrimmar is greater than ever right now.


I always assumed the most dedicated Sylvanas fans were masochists. I’ve yet to find any evidence to the contrary.