Thank you Blizzard

You know what, I’m glad you’re happy.

I’m still a perpetual grump.

I personally wished we didn’t get 3 CGI shorts on one of the worst expansions to grace WoW (in both mechanics and story). It’s such a wasted effort that could’ve been spent on something different.

I agree with this. Using the term loosely I think she might be trying to become some sort of Death “Goddess”

I think Death Goddess Sylvanas is the best way to wrap up her story. After we deal with her story bits she ascends into a being that is worshiped as a deity by the Forsaken. She is no longer apart of the story but she will always be a part of the Forsaken identity.


The writing’s been on the wall for years, this is just them spoon feeding it in no uncertain terms now. Alliance, Horde, Forsaken - they all have the distinct disadvantage of not being Sylvanas, therefore they’re on her chopping block.

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I didn’t really think about it that way, but for forsaken it makes a lot of since. However, the forum might implode.

I do think it would be a lot more interesting of a story than the loot piñata/Kerrigan redemption arcs that we have already seen so many times now.

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Except she’s now a person that has divided the Forsaken into groups either disgusted by her abandonment, in despair, or in denial.

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Probably because its the only way to keep herslf out of the darkness. She serves Death so that she will be spared.


I’ll admit, you’ve surprised me, this is not the first post I expected from you after such a long time. Especially with how it played out.

Genuinely appreciating the cinematic for what it is? Not denying Sylvanas’s obviously villainous nature? Being well-composed over her leaving the Horde?

If only other die-hard Sylvanas fans could take the news so well.


Deathisfinal has always been a very positive sort.


For all my past squabbles with DiF, she is being rather mature about this. I can respect that a lot.


Very cringe. Like fanboys of the terrible DC movies, people like this will twist reality to meet their warped fan exceptions. The expansion was terrible, the cinematics were terrible, trying to convince yourself otherwise is just delusional.

Oh, I guess they look pretty. Well, a lot of effort goes into the CGI of Michael Bay Transformers movies. Those have the same level of writing as modern Blizz as well.

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I think you got that sentiment reversed, friend.

Liadrin is against Sylvanas now? OOOOOOH!!!

Now belf fans have to choose between one waifu or another. Muwahahaha!

I swear, this patch just keeps getting better and BETTER.

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No offense, but… Another post, I saw you lambasting current WoW (from MoP onward, if I recall) very heavily and praising classic for being the WoW of yesteryear.

Why are you even posting in these threads if you’re supposedly so disenfranchised from the current story/game? Why not just spare yourself the upset and go enjoy Classic?

My apologies, but what are you trying to get at here?

You went back and dug up a quote were I say “People have asking for Sylvanas head for a very long time and its still attached to her shoulders”, which I’m sure the attachment of her head to her shoulders is still the topic of many discussions.

As for the last part, Sylvanas was holding it down for the Horde until she didn’t anymore. I’ve never believed that she was a chest thumping muh honor orc, I’ve always believed that Sylvanas would build both the Forsaken and Horde until she couldn’t benefit them anymore.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say with Geya’rah’s and Liadrin quotes? They are both great warriors that both served Sylvanas, that both slaughtered countless Alliance.

Amadis if there is something you’re trying to say, please spit it out.

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My only problem with her speech is that we’re supposed to read it as… bad?

Like, when she’s shouting about the Horde being nothing, I’m standing here cheering and nodding. But I gather that we’re supposed to be offput by that? I don’t really get it.

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You’re supposed to have pride in your faction and feel offended that she doesn’t care for it.


Sylvanas not treating the Horde and Forsaken like Mother Goose treat her gooselings has never been a thing. Why all of a sudden feel offended by that?

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I’m not offended that she revealed herself as anti-Horde after spending the entire expansion arguing that siding with Sylvanas was the most pro-Horde thing you could do. The greatest thing about this bad story is that the pro-Sylvanas crowd can no longer say siding with Sylvanas is the pro-Horde thing to do anymore.



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