Thank you Blizzard, the XP buff has been extended!

No you wont. I checked your armory and you already exalted with all BFA reputations.

Except, Rajani and Uldum which are NOT included with this buff. Sorry.


LOL did I miss something? I guess itā€™s for old stuff? I havenā€™t seen the announcement, just going by whatā€™s on here so far. HAHA

*Bonus excludes Rajani and Uldum Accord reputation.


Thatā€™s what I meant, but hadnā€™t seen the announcement. Should have just kept my fingers quiet before I read the actual info. Thanks! :smiley:

Fortunately they have nothing I want and are not required for pathfinder, but sucks for others.

Thanks! My bad for not looking for the announcement first before commenting, lol.

Itā€™s for Allied race unlocking and pathfinder.


butā€¦ butā€¦ we pay for this gameā€¦

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They should have included WoD too.

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Also doesnā€™t hurt for getting some class hall stuff done since I think reputations gate a couple things in there (I know a couple pieces of the set need like revered or something). I donā€™t remember though and I keep pushing off going back for the mounts and titles.

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Both are going away in SL, so whats the point ?

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Cā€™mon, they gave us the boost long enough to level several characters. It took all of four days to level this one, and I feel like I got a cool enough bonus. Iā€™m actually happy it changed to rep because Iā€™ve leveled, Iā€™m done with that, and Iā€™d like zandalari before SL, so it works out.

In having them at all or them going away?

Shadowlands is at least 6-8 months away so thatā€™s quite a while.

And at some point the whole game shuts down and everything is lost and pointless.

Tbf that is a huge assumption to be making since all we have is datamined achievements to work with. Also, considering how ā€œunplayableā€ the game is for some people that they canā€™t play the race they want, they should be more than happy to get double the gains now when SL is 6+ months out.

Also, your argument doesnā€™t work out too well for you since the ā€œdouble xpā€ is also going to be a permanent mainstay in shadowlands (it is actually worse than xp gains in SL tbh) so I ask you ā€œwhat is the pointā€ in extending it?

Allied races will not require reputation in SL and flying while leveling is streamlined thats what i meant.

Whats the point of removing something that will be baseline ? That is the question you need to ask not the other way around.

Making people work for something that will soon removed is bad decision, like letting people try to farm rep for Allied races.

:stuck_out_tongue: :boot:

it u

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Because it is a buff. Not everything lasts forever. For me, I kind of do need that rep bonus.

Essential worker.

I only got to level this one in the month.

Only had a few hours a day. I still need to get 120 and then level up 2 more classes for Shadowlands


youā€™re god damn right
