Thank you Blizzard for the conduit change

I’m fine with it, I can see why they try to do what they do. The back lash will still come in some force BUT as long as I ENJOY something, then I AM fine with it since NO ONE ELSE is playing for ME.

Not sure how im going to suffer when i make my own groups and raids :thinking:. nice try.

im just kidding ok, but …
you’re a dh … your cat could literally play for you :smiley:
srsly tho, im just kidding :stuck_out_tongue:

so many lies. no one is trying to enforce the meta. no one has EVER said to me I need to swap a talent, trait, gear, etc. man you make so much stuff up.

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then it shouldn’t matter to you anyway should it

Never said it matter to me your reaching here your projecting to the wrong person you need to send a email to blizzard how you don’t like that covens won’t be for min and maxers.

It obviously does matter to you otherwise you wouldn’t have felt it necessary to say
“it’s about time not everything needs to be min and max”

Because they see covens more like sub classes not just talents and no your wrong it doesn’t matter to me im about to go online for hours in wow now peace and have a good day.

You’re talking to someone that has most likely never done a sim and does LFR.

If I had a cat I’d try that out.

It doesn’t.

So even if it ended up that choosing to push higher tier raids or dungeons required mutually exclusive choices (which is not a given) then let me ask you this:

If everyone who chose the “wrong” setup was excluded, what would stop them from all grouping with each other?

I’d prefer they just make every spec cookie cutter. No talents or anything. Instead of restricting my optimization. Not saying I’d like everyone having the same build because that’s boring but I’d prefer it over being restricted.

i only have a 1600 io score … i still choose to only apply to 2500 io score groups … because I dont want it to take an hour …

im exaggerating … and I don’t do this really … but I do still discriminate in this basic way, which is the nature of the argument. just because people are sub-optimal doesn’t mean they wont pick all of the people who are optimal, because they can.

Idk about you but here’s an example to show why freedom is fun.

I’m doing pvp as bear. I cant find a guide so I’m choosing my talents and essences every few rounds to see what I like. Its quite fun. I couldnt do that if I was locked out for a week. That would be less fun.

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i only make meaningful choices based on abbreviated information on paper, id never take practical experience into mind … why would one do this?

I get that and see your point but please dont discount my point with your sarcasm.

Edit: I might be misunderstanding your sarcasm all together

The top guilds min maxing totally ruin my playing experience so i’m glad daddy blizzard is punishing them , how dare they play this game in a different way


i thought I was agreeing with you?

You’re allowed to be appreciative of a change without rubbing it in people’s faces, Ralph.

Just a thought.

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