THANK YOU, BLIZZARD - For Standing Your Ground!

Thank you to the decision-makers at Blizzard for not bending to the will of the loud vocal forum users about adding in RDF.

Many of us have been a part of the classic/vanilla wow community for over a decade now at this point. The LARGEST problem that the community as a whole had was Random Dungeon Finder introduced in WotLK.

Now, the INITIAL Dungeon Finder was for the most part not hated when it was server only and not cross-server; however, when the cross-server Dungeon Finder was added in the later patches of WotLK, it really did take out the community feeling (even though many of the super server/retail enthusiasts try to claim it doesn’t exist anymore).

Random Dungeon Finder, when introduced in these later patches, really drove a lot of players away and brought life to a lot of our Classic/Vanilla Community and sparked a lot of the larger private servers trying to find a semblance of what we loved about WoW back in the day.

People forget that all these “convenience” changes such as RDF, Dual-Spec, Flying, etc. we see people on the forums crying for were demanded back in the early 2000s as well and are literally what helped develop WoW into what it is today. I do think the retail formula works for many people; however, we already have that. I am glad we are building to keeping a classic specific set of games for the classic community.

I know many think that everything you all develop should cater to every gaming demographic, but I, and many others, are fully on board with there being a distinct separation in design philosophy between the various playerbases.

Thank you for staying true to the ACTUAL classic/vanilla community that pushed for these servers 10-15+ years. We APPRECIATE it!


Yeah, that was never a thing.

Sub counts say otherwise.

Most private servers based on Lich King and later include Dungeon Finder. Additionally, the community we had back in 2004-2009 does not exist anymore. Sorry to burst the bubble.

You literally need flying to even enter Naxxramas.

We also have Classic Era servers for people who don’[t want to play Lich King as it was back when it was out originally. Shocking, I know.

Kinda funny how you think this is a result of Blizzard actually listening to anyone and not simply a ploy to try and sell more Level 70 boosts.


Thank you OP for that revisionist history lesson.


Trying to get a group going for Deadmines on your alt, but instead scrolling through a philosophical debate 50 people are having about NFTs. Yeah, that’s the intended community-focused Classic experience right there. :roll_eyes:


You know they are adding the Party/Group Finder right?

The one we have in TBC Classic that nobody uses?


No, the one they are porting from retail

They will walk it back.

Why would doing RDF once or twice, or even several times a day suddenly destroy the community you have…?
To me, it seems RDF is used as an easy target of blame without seriously delving into the problem.


I’m not sure why that’s good, isn’t it single-server? That completely neglects any players on low-population servers or players that play at odd hours of the day or night. Why should these players be effectively punished because they have other obligations that take precedent over WoW?

The reality is that if Dungeon Finder WERE implemented, you and I both know, regardless of if you are for or against it, you WILL be using it. Why? Because it’s convenience - easier to find groups this way. And no, you don’t need to use it - case in point, each of the “Anti-LFDers” have explicitly said that there are MORE players against it than for it, which would mean that they should have no problems continuing to find groups the way they are now, spamming LFG Chat, and sending a three-letter response, “inv.”

The Dungeon Finder allows for more players to prepare for endgame content, which in turn helps EVERYONE. More Level 80s who are geared means a larger pool of potential raiders for guilds. Currently, players can’t really progress unless they are boosted, on at specific times, or they know 4 people that are willing to complete dungeons together - even in guilds, that’s difficult these days.

Will Blizzard release Dungeon Finder?

They don’t really have a choice anymore. They’re already losing subscribers, and it’s only a matter of time before the loss becomes sufficient enough to notice. Sure, they receive income from subscriptions paid for by bots, but once the player-base dries up significantly, they will have no reason to try and sell gold anymore, and thus, will quit the game, causing Blizzard to lose a substantial amount of monthly profits.

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It has nothing to do with the Dungeon Finder, or even the game in general. The community has been slowing deteriorating as we become more desensitized to hard work, with everything in life becoming more and more instantaneous. Our expectations have changed from 2004-2010. The community is no longer the same, even if it has the same people as it did back then, because people grow, people evolve. That’s just how the world works.

Can’t wait until you can’t find a group cause of boosting only to get to max level to not find a raid group cause of GDKPs but yeah, LFD is the problem. It’s like you people want bots to exist. LFD gets rid of that.


"LF3M DPS heroic runs. Frozen orb res for tank All blues/greens res for tank. 6k GS minimum. "


Either way I wouldn’t be mad

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I’ve made millions off my Bored Murloc Yacht Club series.


this kind of question just reveals that you don’t understand what makes a WoW community. yes, just doing one RDF isn’t going to destroy a community… no duh. but if everyone starts to do it and neglects every other way of doing dungeons… hmmmm maaaaybe something bad will happen to the community!

now, this is the part where you say “if you don’t like RDF, don’t use it”, as if that will suddenly revive the server community that RDF destroys. :roll_eyes:

OP is spot on. thanks for the good post, friend.


ok, but you realize this is CLASSIC WoW we’re talking about, yes? it’s called CLASSIC wrath for a reason. we’re trying to play games the old school way. if that doesn’t interest you, go to retail.


I don’t think it was principle, just that it was extra work.

I am going to just sum this up with a few short words:

What a crock of crap and fake facts and drama.

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100% agree.

People who don’t want LFD or LFG are:

  1. Lazy and just want to be boosted and pay in-game gold or out-game money for little effort.
  2. Running gold scams/boots themselves for in-game revenue
  3. Running real money revenue to boost people
  4. Running bots to make in-game gold/out-game real money.

They hide behind some ploy that they are “holding true to the game” but it is a big steaming dumpster fire crock of crap tbh.