Thank You Blizzard for Acknowledging the M+ Leaver Problem

And 2s. And 3s. If you leave the game, you’re going to lose rating.

Leaving a PvP arena is you surrendering the arena.

Which equals losing rating (or I guess you could lose 0 if your MMR is much higher than CR).

The penalty for failure regardless is losing rating. Why not apply that to M+ too?

Because M+ rating isn’t trying to do the same thing as PvP rating.


I doubt it. I mean they might change their entire philosophy about private groups. I just doubt it

I don’t think its a good idea to police M+ leaving and Blizzard probably should keep their nose out.

I get it, its frustrating when someone leaves and you have your time wasted but at the same time, there are many factors to consider and the fact that there are thousands of run being done every day.

The factors may include someone actually leaving with a legitimate reason (i.e interrupts for important abilities being missed may result a wipe, failing mechanics repeatly even with guidance on to fixing mistakes or the run is just… not doable regardless of how you put it) and you have people where something happens out of their control like losing internet.

To be honest here, I don’t like the idea of being held hostage, especially if a dungeon run I’m goes south super hard and its just not worth the time to even go for completion.


I think the easiest to implement solution would be an ante system.

Before beginning a key, 1 player inserts a Mythic Keystone, and all five players enter X amount of Y currency. The devil is in the details here, but for simplicity’s sake let’s say it’s 2000G (it should not be gold).

The first person to leave the group loses their [2000g], the remaining four each receive an even 500g [2000g/4], plus their 1000g back.

The leaver is out 2000g, and the other four players didn’t totally waste their time. I’m sure Blizzard could find a currency that feels right. Crest Fragments? IDK.

Honestly… Sigh.

This is going to suck. And I 100% see where you are coming from. Hopefully people are mature enough not to take this route, but now that it is out in the open…

Exactly. High keys get ugly sometimes.

Ending the toxicity when things go sideways (like getting whispers from people telling you to take the ultimate plunge over the game with copious expletives to boot) is more the underlying problem here. Leaving is sometimes inevitable.

Sometimes just out the door people are not playing well together. And while these are pugs and we all must be ultimately adaptable to any situation, why be punished for not wishing to waste our time, or have stress levels be through the roof when performance (from anyone, could even be yourself at the time) just isn’t cutting it. No one is perfect, and I’m sure they’ll push the idea of this “penalty” being “fair and balanced” depending on how many dungeons we stay/leave for etc.

Blegh. Just spinning my head around what they could turn this into gives me hives.

Maybe there will be a /gg option for all players in said run (such exists in other games) to reduce or eliminate penalty. Who knows.

The problem with requiring more than 1 person to agree, is that the 1 person will find ways to make the others agree.

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so you’re saying i can make gold by kicking people or playing so badly that they leave? nice!


Good. Hopefully they address the bad players that are 99% the cause of leavers.

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This is an instance where Blizzard has to have the brains and the baals to not intervene and allow privately formed groups to figure it out just as all other privately formed groups have had to figure it out. Getting involved and adding punishments will be easily abused and cause even more drama and problems.


This would turn into WotlK where instead of leaving, the person will just afk inside your key. I actually experienced this. My friend and I were running H+ and there were 2 other friends in there, words were exchanged, they started throwing around racist slurs and hard N words, I reported both of them, then we proceeded to stalemate afk inside the dungeon. We couldn’t vote kick them and they couldn’t vote kick us.

So we all just stood there and waited for the others to leave, sat there for about 45 minutes before someone got kicked. I went to go to the bathroom, they immediately pulled right when I got up, then I got votekicked by the new person who got into the group. /shrug

Only saw one rebuttal to what I said which means the rest of you didnt read it.

If you list a key in the PFG, you are subject to rules.

KH can leave and suffer same penalty as current system.

Non KH’s leaving keys while in progress get a penalty (deserter debuff) if the key was listed as completion; they also get a penalty if the dungeon was listed as Beat Timer and there havent’ been at least 4 deaths or they get to boss 2 and they are less than 30% of time remaining.
In either of these scenarios, the KH’s key doesn’t deplete–it stops and resets w/o depleting so they dont get borked by someone leaving.
There would be no penalty for leaving Beat Timer groups if Deaths < 4 and timer is < 30% at boss 2.
Obvi; current system stands for any private keys that didnt use PFG to vet.

Why they have meetings to have meetings to have meetings.
Something in place and its ye old…whoops my switch “died”.

and now their CS (well the interns when not doing coffee go-fer runs) has to filter this crap out. reports, people fighting their report.

did player x leave and in chat .5 seconds later? did they have an apparent network drop and were truly gone for 3 minutes?

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There is no m+ leaver problem. If you think there is, youre a noob that expects other people to carry you. And dont thank blizzard for doing nothing.

Healers getting reported for having the lowest dps

DPS reported for healing too. The fun of ret (or non resto druid who still has healz and rez to cast too)

Where is the dps?

Well healer is dead, I quicked healed some of you and now rezzing the healer.

i just hope blizz takes into account things like bad/toxic/trolly teams, carrys (more so “unknown carrys” if someone says player X is a carry then i may be ok with it if said carry dosnt stuff us) and over timing keys. they are the only reasons i leave and if im held hostage in a key by blizz then i see it killing keys more then helping it

The only time I leave keys is when I get the suicidal tank that wants to have 30 minutes left on the timer and chain pulls, not letting me drink or top anyone, so we literally go into every pull with 60% HP and I’m constantly fighting uphill the entire time.

I play WoW to enjoy myself, if I get too stressed I just leave. I’m sorry. We don’t need to have 30+ minutes left on the timer, absolutely no reason to play like that.