Thank You Blizzard for Acknowledging the M+ Leaver Problem

I missed that big interrupt. My bad.

Oh no. I tab targeted too fast. Silly mistakes.


D’oh! Bopped the tank! (Gotta be the only thing I miss from my healing days)


All of us are there to time it so it doesn’t really matter if someone leaves bc we aren’t on track to time. This eventually is a non-problem. We all just say gg and hearth.

For gearing level keys, sure, make certain requirements on completion-labeled groups like if you leave or dc for more than 1 min without voting to end the run you can’t do another completion group for a day. Easy.

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That’s actually a good idea. Make a certain group that has a system in place to check off requirements before joining. If there is a DC, they have a timetable put in place for return. If they don’t come back, the whole group can report and move on. If the player is actively grieving, report and move on.

It already is easily accessible :disguised_face:. Getting into a +2-10 isn’t hard at all, nor that heavy on game knowledge/gear. It’s more so when you get to 15+ the expectations for performance will be higher.

But bad gameplay isn’t a reportable offense. And without a confession you can’t really prove it outside of over the top situations.

Pulling mobs one at a time.
Blowing cooldowns at inappropriate times.
Popping lust at the very beginning.

You know, the troll things.

It is in Overwatch lol. You can easily tell when someone is trolling.


So if…I suddenly start healing slower. That is a reportable offense?

Because if so we should just start reporting the lowest performing player in any untimed key.


Standard nopology format:

  1. We listened!
  2. We understand players are disappointed.
  3. We learned!
  4. We will take this into account in future planning.

No responsibility taken, no commitment made.

There are certainly posters who have outright said that they think they should be able to report bad players and have them banned from the game.

That’s where the whole group report comes into play and the GM or whoever blizz can check a review. But, this isnt the old Blizz where they actually cared. You all act like people abuse the report system every time they use it

What does any of that mean?

Blizzard is gonna look at your 3 month log history?

Figure out my heals are 0.75 seconds slower and therefore I am griefing?

What’s the cut off?

This also means you can’t ever just have an off day. Cause if you do…reported.

It has nothing to do with Blizzard not caring. Everything to do with forms of griefing being impossible to prove.


Listen, all I’m trying to say is Blizzard has a system in place in Overwatch and they should easily be able to implement a system in WoW. Its not fun when you spend time out of your day to have fun or be competitive with pushing keys and then some clown ruins it for you/3 others. Yeah, does stuff happen IRL? Absolutely. But at a certain point, the end justifies the means. People can get upset, but for the overall health of the game, its needed.

Yes. And I am saying that system would be abused in WoW and make things worse.


Well, I guess that’s for blizzard to figure out how to combat that issue.

Anyways GG and good luck out there.

So the potential of banning innocent players “up to blizzard to figure it out after implementing a horrible system?”

Come on bruh. that’s some hostile stuff.

Do you really think it’ll make m+ better if everyone has to walk on needles?


Being respectful is not walking on needles.


With this system, you won’t be able to differentiate small errors from actual griefing, (if the griefer is any good at hiding it).

Innocent players will be accidently punished via this system.

How is this being respectful to the playerbase?


Oh a blue posted that they’ve discussed this and different options to handle it.

My money is on they said, “oh yeah. It’s on the radar” and nothing will be done anyway.