Thank God Venthyr Hunters and Warriors get a juicy Versatility proc next Tuesday

Get him boys

Haven’t qued at 1600 rat leagues since… hmm last season doing carries I think. Try again use that :brain: to make a little more sense :eye::laughing::sweat_smile::joy::rofl::innocent::blush::relaxed:🥲:slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face::wink::relieved::kissing::kissing_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes::kissing_smiling_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes::yum::stuck_out_tongue::face_with_raised_eyebrow::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::face_with_monocle::nerd_face::sunglasses:🥸

This man is imploding

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Just trying to be as cool as dozer. If some loser like him can get away with spam emoting for low iq posts I can prolly get away with it too

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Probably not but you do you


Then who’s your main? But I’m guessing we won’t know because you’ll keep hiding. My 3rd account is in the shop with r1xp.
See I can play that game also.

I guess you’d have to be able to spell my name backwards to figure that one out

Oh the tool that walks on a treadmill?
The one that blames others for his mistakes? That guy?

Yeah the guy you wish you looked like when you look in the mirror

Lol nope but nice try. Keep raging at the people you’re doing 2s with while making all the mistakes. It’s very amusing and meis like.


Ahh yeah you’re def someone that applied and got roasted for being total Garbo, you guys all act the same. Yes, I stream the games just so you can see ALL my mistakes lol. K forums boring me, continue to talk to ur self my job here is done

Aren’t you whining about DH as a bm hunter lol

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Another low iq brain again, assuming I’m talking about bm hunter into dh lol. The small brains here is just unbelievable at this point

Did you just assume our collective gender?



Hate has no home here.

Fatal flaw seems overtuned compared to other final soulbind traits?

Does it scale with trinket bonus? Thats a wild 20s ride of haste into 28% increased damage

Bahaha come on now shin. Can’t take you serious after that lol

way too soon (if itll ever be)

u see the kyrian one?

random chance to proc 10% str/stam for 15 seconds
likely with a 1ish min icd

retribution arms somewws someferals