My eyesight is been the pits for the past week, is there an addon or way to increase the font size of the ingame text?
There’s one option built into the WoW client: System->Advanced->UI Scaling.
Changing the slider will do what you want (I think.)
Also, Leatrix Plus allows some tweaking of the UI.
I found an old thread where one of the posters here, Ekon, recommended that one. I imagine there have to be a few out there that help with text size if the options in the default UI aren’t enough.
Prat 3.0 allows you to change the font size in your chat windows.
Thanks all, the UI scaling worked and I adjusted the contrast to make things easier to see, especially in Bastion…that area is way to bright.
leatrix plus has a section just for quest contrast it turns the darker parchment background for quests to a sort of french vanilla/off white coloration to make it easier to read so you may want that if you havent tried already,
enabling/disabling the feature requires a reload of game ui tthough before it kicks in once toggled
The base UI can do this too, by right-clicking on the chat tab header where it says “General” and changing the Font Size to be bigger and the Background to be darker. You can also pick Unlock Window to put a little drag corner on the window to make it bigger or smaller.
Astigmatism plus age-based macular degeneration are a hoot. I’m not at a point where I need my UI to be super huge and clutter up my screen, but making my chat font bigger and the background darker is something that I need to to right away on every new character.
The default game settings (under Interface – Accessibility) are also able to change the color of quest & dialog box backgrounds.
It was part of the new options added at the end of June:
Option setting:
How boxes look without that option enabled:
How boxes look with the option enabled:
Yeah. Prat just gives you more flexibility in the size you want than the base UI.
This is definitely really helpful too.
I haven’t used Prat in a whole handful of years, but my problem with it was that it didn’t play well with RP addons. Granted, that’s a problem for nerrrrrds, other people probably find it to be useful!
I know you’ve said the UI scaling worked, but that also makes your action bars bigger. If you just want text scaling, even for the objectives tracker, there’s an addon called PhanxFont that scales just the entire UI text. It hasn’t been updated for a while, but last I checked it still worked just fine.
Just thought I’d add that in here, in case others are looking for solutions.
Aye the accessibility team has been trucking away at features for each of the Blizzard titles. If anyone wants to share feedback specifically about accessibility, please feel free to reach out: