thanks for eliminating the ONE benefit of Alliance PvP and our only hope at evening out the faction balance. horrible and shameless change by Blizzard.
Man, goofballs celebrating turning TBC into Retail is something else. Sacrifice an entire faction just to get your way.
Guess Alliance will have to cry as much as Horde to get some changes too. First AV now merc mode. What a joke.
Pretty late on the change, and it’s not really the best solution. This is certainly better than merc mode but I’m disappointed that your first instinct wasn’t to get a little more creative with using dailies or some other approach as a means to create incentives, combined with trying to balance out some of the Horde-tilted servers to increase overall Alliance populations.
Either way I can understand why Blizzard is taking the path of least resistance… this should increase QoL a lot, and I guess it will spice things up a little. Hopefully it’s not a total disaster. All of your vindictive Alliance idiots are really missing the point… I mean you’re bringing your in-game RP into real life demanding that Horde PLAYERS suffer lol. Kudos to commitment to bein a nerd I guess.
Exactly, Every man for themselves will make everyone who was horde roll alliance and then you will have even further imbalances.
Blizzard hates the alliance confrimed
That was a change to help faction balance, this is a change to kill faction balance.
Anyone hoping for authentic BC experience is getting scammed. Lmao
My thoughts exactly. The population is imbalanced for a reason, and instead of fixing that reason they just made it to where there is no downside to stacking one faction.
Awesome change. Now we can all re-roll horde and make our pretty blood elves!
Going to be a strange game when there are zero alliance on any pvp servers though.
Oh well, I am boosting my undead warlock today. This is going to rawk.
Christmas in July!
Are you implying every undead rogue pre-vanish openers against every ally rogue? Do you know how chess works? Much of TBC arena is decided in openers - specifically when the opener involves a rogue sap; exponentially more when the rogue saps the enemy rogue. It’s compounding.
It’s a broken racial, period.
Love to see this QOL change. Probably wont be 70 by tomorrow, though
gitgud or go to a pve server or just you know… reroll horde?
5-10 minutes for BGs? No? It’s like hour long queues at times just to get into ONE BG…
sorry dog, i didn’t know. bark bark tho
Seems so, not noticed any changes that favor Alliance at all, just Horde crybabies who don’t care about balance and want op racials with all the benefits. I don’t get this choice, it killed the Alliance in retail now they do it again?
Thanks for telling those of us who re-rolled ALliance to help balance that we wasted our time.
THANK YOU SO Much!!! As a player who plays all the time and I only have 1 piece of pvp gear and 60 resilience it’s really terrible to have to sit in 1.5 hour queues for one bg.
“Perception is broken” the Undead cried out, though none would hear him.
Pretty late? TBC has been out for less than a month?