Testing Same-Faction Battlegrounds in Burning Crusade Classic

Watching all these people cry over the racial min max is so funny… You ever think people choose HORDE because we picked HORDE 15 years ago because in an MMORPG who wants to play 2 midget classes, a basic Human, and a purple Human with pointy ears… yeah no thanks. I did that in Baulders Gate.


We won’t miss you.

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rip alliance pvp server population. give us free transfers off or free faction changes. this is a horrible change and it just straight up is going to make the faction imbalance speed up until it gets retail levels.


I’m actually nervous to tell my brother because I think he’s going to quit the game.


Every horde player calling this a great change I want you to reverse the situation. Your faction has instant queue time because everyone plays Alliance and the one incentive they have to maybe play Horde is queue times. All of a sudden blizz then decides that one incentive needs to be removed and everyone can play Alliance now with no queue time punishment rather than evening it out and going Horde. It’s not healthy at all it’s detrimental and you will see that in time as you always do with everything you think is a good decision and turns out is not.


Godspeed young warrior.

You will be missed.

Do you really think most of us who rolled horded knew this? I hadnt played wow in 15 years when classic came out.

I played on 2 servers so far, Incendius and Netherwind and both have been dominated by alliance.

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insta queues vs hour long queues… yes… horde cry babies…

Seal of Blood given to alliance? Okay then…


Godspeed young rogue.

You will be missed.

We are gonna see a lot of quitting posts.

Let horde do horde vs horde AV, go full send or don’t do it at all.

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Y’all just can’t go a single day without messing something up.


Considering they said they’re implementing it on Friday for the BG weekend and then taking it out on Tuesday to evaluate the situation, I sincerely hope that people aren’t stupid enough to think this is really solving the root of the problem. Horde are going to get quicker queues, then realize they’re still only generating like 600 honor an hour for a set of honor gear that costs around 200,000. “Hey we reduced your grind of honor from around like 500-600 hours down to 300-400. You should love us now.” So bad.

Not to mention this was 100% a huge reason why people chose to roll Alliance in TBC and this just craps all over that. Just so short sighted and so bad by the people running the game. Really disappointing and shows how out of touch they are. I wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t a single member of the team queueing BGs in TBC to actually experience the issue themselves. Hopefully they take the data from the weekend and then actually solve the root problem which is the incredibly slow honor rates.


Hey, Kaivax,

It’s great that you’re listening to the community, but instead of replying with some kludged up PvP system that never existed in TBC, how about you fix the systems that were in TBC like LFG or guild banks?

Just a friendly suggestion.

Have a blessed day.


These assertions are dumb… I fight decked out tryhard Gladiator-level Alliance premades all the time. Alliance have good racials and good players both, it’s just that there aren’t as many PvP oriented players to begin with… but if you’re Alliance and interested in PvP then you’re not in that boat… the only people that should have your perspective are carebears who only occasionally dip their toes into PvP, and in that case there’s not much to complain about because it makes up like 10% or less of your play experience most likely.

Unfortunately, this seems like their goal. Its like the masterminds behind retail have taken over classic.


Thank you for this feature. I had completely stopped playing BG’s once the queues go up to around 45 mins as it was no longer worth the time investment combined with the honor earnings. Excited to be able to queue for BG’s again and getting into a match in a reasonable amount of time. Might have to pull the trigger to get the mats for the Stunherald series for the lawls now.

You literally live in these discussions and have since they started. You are a bad player if you think all Alliance are barely hanging on in PVP in TBC. What a joke.

And no, we brought up a reasonable issue, one that was clearly not meant to happen. And we asked for a reasonable fix. And this is a reasonable fix. You are an insane person that can’t accept ANY change other than one that clearly benefits you. Get over yourself.


RIP Alliance. Are you going to offer free faction transfers Alliance to Horde or are you just going to admit your bias for the Horde?


So what exactly is the point of factions if you’re going to war with your own faction members?