The Horde crying about queue times is a joke… Queue times were like this in original TBC, which is why I rerolled from Horde to Ally.
It was a great choice.
It was such a great choice that Horde queue times went so high that they needed Blizz to bail them out with some system that has never existed even in retail and undermines the core conflict between Horde vs. Alliance in Warcraft.
This is great… anyone who complains about being in the ppposite faction base has never touched an RBG. Get over yourselves. Short Q times are better than asthetics.
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You chose alliance, this is your fault.
blizz should enable faction transfers and see if they still are laughing
why didn’t blizzard just make a blue post reminding horde players that retail is available?
Go BaCk tO rEtAiL n00b!!!
Killing your faction-mates is honorable…who knew…
How do they balance the factions?
Sounds good, OP. Thanks for the hard work.
And then I’ll raise the counter, “muh community, muh personal choice, muh didn’t do any googling”. That aside, many players rolled Alliance - or rerolled to it - for faster queues. This isn’t going to happen anymore.
The reason the Horde have most of the top 100 teams is because they have the stronger and larger playerbase - anyone truly serious about PvP went Horde regardless of their personal tastes. Racials are closer than in Classic.
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How the f were faction transfers passed over for this trash?
Alliance can still join Alliance advantaged servers.
While Horde couldn’t just join a better queue.
This is great unless you basicly don’t want people to play the game, 1 hour queue is not viable gameplay. It only leads to Horde making games last longer to farm honor and waste more of your time Ally. Atleast now we will have fast games for everyone and we will be able to play the game, which shouldn’t be something to be mad about unless your fun is denying someone else fun.
You knew you were gonna have massive queue times. Reroll Alliance instead of changing the core conflict in the game.
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It’s almost like you don’t understand that there’s counterplay to perception. What are you gonna do when you have a 5 point kidney resisted by an orc? Dwarf racial is heavily nerfed in TBC to it’s Vanilla counterpart since you can’t remove blinds, while you can temporarily remove wound poison, it’s just going to get reapplied as soon as the buff is off. And EA is just as situational. I think you’re the one that isn’t very aware, pretty typical coming from someone on Smolderweb though LOL
Lol, really? This was one of the few objective reasons to be Alliance.
This has got to be one of the worst decisions you could ever think of. If you wanna fix the actual faction balance problem you should be reworking the OP racials that everyone picked horde for not encouraging the wild imbalance you’ve ignored for years. You’re also not allowing same-faction play to happen in AV, a map that is still horde favored?!?!. if 80% of the population picks the ez mode faction they should have to deal with the consequences. this is absolutely absurd
Because they forgot that the 2nd faction exists, so a Horde only solution was taken.
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I don’t recall that.
I would like to play BGs on my main, which is on the same PVE server and faction I’ve been on since Classic launched.
Thank you for trying to solve the problem, Blizzard!
I absolutely did not “know” that I would have 1.5 hour queues for any BG.
It’s actually BiS rogue racial and rogues are extremely popular in PvP, rogue teams are all about openers and often win or lose based upon them. PvP is rarely 1v1, so even if you aren’t a rogue, the likelihood you’ll have one on your team is not low. Obviously it can be of deadly use against druids as well.
So it’s useful against two classes and WOTF is essentially useful against 3, maybe four if you count the niche wyvern sting spec… primarily just Warlock & Priest though. As Warrior fear is a very long cooldown and pretty easily avoidable. Not to mention that fear has several other counters in-game, whether it be warrior fear breaks, bestial wrath, ice block, dispel, tremor etc. - aside from stacking on a flare I’m not entirely sure what else you can do about stealth-countering in an opener. You can AoE your mana-pool dry I guess… but the point is that this is way more complicated than “HORDE RACIALS BETTER DUH”.
I’m hearing current gladiator level players lamenting the power of dwarf priest / rogue as well. Stoneform is incredibly game-changing. Hardiness is good… but there is already a lot of access to stun resist in the game, the extra 15% is nice I suppose but it’s no guarantee of anything, as opposed to SF or Perception. Even Escape Artist (BiS warrior racial) has a higher chance of working than Hardiness. Torrent is great… except for the fact that the only melee class that can use it are ret paladins… Rogues have next to no use for it relative to other racials and warriors/shamans/druids can’t play BE. Casters are highly unlikely to be able to make use of it without putting themselves in a lot of potential danger.
You should probably think things through a bit more before telling people to get their heads checked tbh. Or just L2P.