Testing Same-Faction Battlegrounds in Burning Crusade Classic

Apparently completely abandoning your server community, guild, and friends is an okay solution if you’re an Alliance player.

Who knew?

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not only the stronger and larger playerbase but also the best players which makes the BIGGEST difference.

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Whenever faction is a topic there’s gotta be at least 50 replies that say things like “I’m ending my subscription”, “You’re killing the Horde/Alliance”, and my favorite “How dare you make X,Y,Z more OP!!!”. The reality of this change is that it does nothing negative to either faction, if you’re upset because Horde are going to enjoy faster queues now AS WELL then I’d suggest going outside.

I’ll eat my words if there’s a massive Alliance exodus to reroll Horde, but I can’t see the majority even consider that option because I don’t think the majority rolls a faction ONLY based on BG queue times. Long queues are an inconvenience, but nothing to revolve the game experience around. There’s going to be 2+ years of this, don’t get whiny over a possible change that most people won’t even think about a few months from now when they have finished their honor grind for this tier.


You knew you chose the non-dominant faction. You just did it for the instant queues. You should have known something like this would happen. If you want to PvP, reroll horde.

That’s the sort of insane logic you guys have been peddling for weeks.


They don’t wanna fix their game only destroy it more look at 9.1. Players hate these guys. This game is going downhill fast.

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how is wpvp better for horde? not sure how war stomp is going to help against rogues ganking me.

You’ll be happy in WotLK when 85% of the PvPers roll Humans and your BGs would have been hours long too

simply wrong on both accounts

priest/rogue is decided by follow up cc from a fear
fear into cyclone is a major win condition for war/druid

and when you move into 3s, its common for a stealth spec to get caught with or without perception


Well they’d be shorter than that. Im not saying remove same-faction BGs i’m saying make it optional. The queues for all horde will be shorter regardless based on some of them choosing same-faction BGs. You do you, play same-faction BGs, but I really love Horde and the feeling of spawning in an alliance WSG hub is off-putting.

Soooo instead of fixing the insane Horde:Alliance ratio, why not just keep giving things to the horde to make their lives easier. Want the best racials? Here ya go! Oh wait, in Classic Vanilla the Alliance are doing something in AV you don’t like? Okay. BAM fixed. Oh since so many more went Horde and have long queues because of this. Here. Same faction BGs now in Classic BC. BAM.

Why even have Alliance anymore with this insane favortism? Just make Alliance NPC only.


As I said. Anyone serious about PvP went Horde, as they are in retail.

This isn’t about Horde players being better. It’s about players who are good having to go Horde.


Oh i didnt know you were competing to get into the top 100 teams. My bad then.

If they gave humans EMfH and faction transfers, the problem would be fixed.

Blizzard will come running to the Hordes rescue then also, no point pvping as Alliance anymore.


We did it brother.

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Time to reroll horde. only pvp benefit to ally and that is over.


good for horde. now blizzard do both of favor and let’s double honor gain from what we have now, that would be great! I didn’t save honor so I haven’t been able to play arena. only been honor farming last month.

This is a horrible change ive been playing since the beta of vanilla wow. do not make this change this is actually making being alliance not even a choice. this will kill of the alliance population even more so on my server were there is already a 70% horde base. Fairbanks will never recover from this change.


Ayyyy this is exactly what was needed. Now just add dual spec and you got yourself a perfect BC xpac lol


Literally, this hurts the alliance and players who chose to play alliance ten fold. Garbage, trash, gutter tier development and management. There are better solutions to this problem but they’ve opted to inject trash into the game.