So alliance players will receive a 500% stats buff open world in exchange or what?
Great change interested to see how it pans out!
::takes deep breath::
Told. you. so.
Oh yes, yes!
Jesus Christ this is awful lol
This problem isn’t a player-made issue, this problem is a Blizzard made one.
The fact you don’t understand that tells me all I need to know about you.
blizzard, how do you decide what “problems” to fix? Are loud horde crybaby “problems” always at the top of the list? since we clearly disembarked from “no changes” (blizzard, please stop using this excuse now) can you implement cross server grouping to help the many, many, many dying servers of people who can’t find pve groups?
Go reroll Horde if you want to PvP…
Alliance CHOSE to play Alliance. This is their own fault.
PS: reroll horde.
When do Alliance get free faction transfers to Horde? On top of dealing with the imbalance that Horde racials have given to pvp, now the one thing that Alliance had going for them has been stripped away. What’s the point?
I’m not going anywhere.
Analyze, adapt, advance.
Its a player made issue. You knew that you were rolling on the alliance for inferior racials. Time to reroll horde if those racials are making you so envious.
“those OK with long queues” ??? What ??? 50 min Q, 1h 11min Q… bro… are you serious?
it boggles my mind that people actually get salty at this change lmao
why? you can simply reroll
Retail is on a huge decline too though honestly though gonna be no difference between TBC and retail in a few months.
Yep, you really have no clue.
This is the gross… honestly… why even call it tbc classic… just make a new game instead of taking literal dumps on what was a good game. Im assuming this will make alliance que times increase?
Amazing you picked the literal worst solution to the problem and yet again actively cater to the horde instead of balancing the factions. #nochanges? Absurd.
WOTF hardly wins games, perception completely removes the chance of you winning if used right (and it’s not hard to use correctly).