Testing Same-Faction Battlegrounds in Burning Crusade Classic

This is very disappointing. RIP Alliance. :frowning_face:


bby come back

I say everyone is open game. Plus we get to take their stuff when we kill them.


I wanna kill ally not horde WTF is wrong with Blizzard… fix the game without killing it PLZ!!!

I rolled Horde because I thought undead would be cool for a rogue. I’m on a PvE server. I just wanna play BGs on my main, bro.

Cross faction auction house and Warmode added les go! Go full retail!

just reroll horde dude

even if it did (it doesn’t) it would be no more impactful the wotf, except wotf covers more classes and situations/

wld has no rogues, but it has fear
caster cleaves: splay, mld, ect don’t have rogues but it has fear

Nobody told you to all roll Horde like a bunch of meta slaves. You all were warned the queues would be bad and that this happened in OG TBC so to reroll now and boost Alliance.

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I just instantly cancelled my subscription. Everyone can have my stuff.


Godspeed young warlock.

You will be missed.

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It would have only slowed it happening. The difference in boost vs non boost is the fact you’d just have people still leveling right now. You’d have had shorter wait times for maybe two or three weeks. How much shorter, I can’t say but you’d just have them steadily trickling in and clogging up your queue times. Same results, just slightly staggered.

lol! thats pretty sad dood

No they don’t. Play alliance. What’s stopping you? Do you think that imbalanced racials are the reason you can’t rank in arena? Because I am telling you right now, it’s 100% not. And if you needed a situation where 60% of the player base is unable to play BGs in a reason time while 40% can get honor capped in a couple of days, YOU are the one being unreasonable. That’s not a downside.

For just once I thought you guys would do something cool, I was wrong.


I don’t plan on logging in on my TBC charcters until this is sorted out, so probably TBC is dead to me now :wink: I’ll go back to Classic and Retail and the Horde can have fun playing with themselves, it seems that is what they enjoy most.


Time to use the same argument against Alliance as they’ve been using against us for weeks.

“You’re suffering from an alliance made problem. Go reroll Horde if you want to PvP”

Good on you blizzard. This is the kind of change the game needs.

There’s fixes that dont involve massive advantages. This change by blizzard for example is a bad one. Giving EMFH to humans + the already huge edge on gearing is just as bad of an idea.

Should have just added server faction caps from the start. It may have deterred people earlier, and we wouldn’t be in this mess.


Refer to the classes that lead the ladder in arena for that. You bring up a good point in general pvp, but since rogues are ubiquitous in the ladder, especially higher ranks, it sullies horde teams of same comps.

On top of that, a team of humans will completely obliterate a single rogue on the other team. WOTF doesn’t have the same effect, nor does hardiness.

As far as I’m concerned, gnome racial and dwarf are as good as any horde racial. We just don’t have…perception.

Racials make the game annoying and sort of imbalanced at times but you can pretty much always come back from it. A full human team with a rogue in it vs a mirror with horde is effected tenfold because of perception than with any other racial. It’s just grossly overpowered and you’re somehow not aware? Idk dude, go watch a pvp streamer.