Blizzard enabled this landslide to horde with boosts, btw. It wouldn’t be nearly this bad without instant level 58s.
You just killed the Alliance for the second time. At least you clowns are consistent.
bang on , time to even up the score Blizzard
EMFH + perception would probably be the most broken pvp set racial possible. Huge offensive advantage against stealth or cc.
Who’s queue time is a problem, blizzard? Horde’s problem.
Instead of making horde players reroll, you are making alliance players reroll. I’ve never seen such obvious disparate treatment (even though there is plenty…)
You have some numbers? I seriously doubt many Alliance want same faction BGs. Horde want faster queues, but training ground same faction BGs seems like a very poor solution. Heck, really it is just a version of Retail’s merc mode for TBC Classic Might as well play retail if PvP is your thing and you insist on playing Horde.
Id say I will see you in BGs! But lets be real, i probably wont. Suckerrrsss
Would you want this post always at the top, reminding you of what you’ve done?
What about preferring the aesthetic, the questlines, the zones, the cities, etc.?
This post has single handedly made me not wanna login this week.
Because now the only disadvantage for being horde will be erased from the game, in an already heavy imbalanced faction situation. They need to give us a reason to play alliance now.
Alliance are the snowflakes considering the numerous amount of horde on the forums crying over a player made issue? Interesting take.
True. It would almost be as broken as giving one faction the best racials and then also equal access to honor gear to ensure they stay ahead.
HE assumed that it was for AV also. So doubt.
horrible change. Thanks for penalizing players for rolling alliance, and rewarding players who overfilled horde.
Thank you so much!
I did zero research, signup out of nostalgia expecting to play for 2 weeks, never expected to still be here over a year later.
The server I have been on, its always been 55-65% ally dominated, so other then BGs, I have a rich target environment.
yo linda!! Reroll horde brah
I don’t think Blizzard actually wants to kill off the Alliance. Hopefully they will take a look at WHY the queues were so long in the first place, and take action to address those problems. This test is simply treating a symptom, without fixing the actual problem.