Testing Same-Faction Battlegrounds in Burning Crusade Classic

Id feel bad if it wasnt for the absoloutely toxic attitude the alliance players had on these boards the past few weeks. ANY proposed fix was shut down and ridiculed. The mocking was just horrible.

EVEN with that I still think this change shouldnt go through. I just dont feel bad at all if it does.


Ahh poor babies, they got what they wanted through incessant whining about not having their cake and eat it too. Crutch on racials just like blizzard DEVELOPERS have been doing for over a decade.

You win dude. Nothing else I can say. Here is your participation trophy. :trophy:


av was actually broken by design. twice. how is fixing a bug bad?

shouldnt be able to ignore 90% of mechanics and just kill the boss lol when the other side cant. shouldnt have the mobs just, ya know, not spawn. imagine waiting 45mins for a que to have 0% chance of winning because of exploits.

Does Alliance get an honor bonus? We rolled Alliance so we could get honor faster. Horde rolled Horde for the racials and World PVP advantage.

TBC Classic is officially being developed by the retail people now I guess.

Ion and JAllen suck. It’s on them.


Sadly yes. It’s sad to see how little actual discussion happens here and how much is just one user insulting another.

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umm no they can reroll horde.


For what reason? Alliance will STILL have faster queue times with this change. And this is a TEST aside from that. It’s not even being promised as the end result.

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Thank you for not reading the post at all, missing the /s and the part where I said id be a Pos for saying that. Couldnt make it more obvious if I tried that I was mocking people who were being toxic on the subject.

Godspeed young warlock.

You will be missed.

Oh look, Blizzard came running to the Hordes aid once again, lets watch the Alliance pvp pool shrink even more as players switch over.


What a joke. Ditched 2 60s in classic to reroll ally so I wouldn’t have to deal with long queues, and now all that time is just wasted. Would rather cut ties than get lost in sunk cost fallacy at this point. If this change goes live I’ma just head out.

Literally 0 reason to be ally anymore. Horde has larger community of PvPers, better PvPers on average, racial advantages for most classes… ally pop is about to shrink even further. GG


So since we’re making arbitrary changes now I guess we should give alliance Every Man for Himself now to balance the racials.


Good to know you played alliance purely for fast ques. What a genius choice.


If you really think Perception is better than Hardiness, WotF, and even Torrent, you might need to get checked out, or get off the drugs mate. Percept is such a niche use in comparison, an entire 2 classes are impacted by it, how in any world is that better than Orc resist, having a fear break, or an interrupt + AoE silence???


These devs have no idea what they are doing and it shows.


I’ve unironically been wanting a FFA server for years.


Godspeed young paladin.

You will be missed.

RIP my fellow alliance chads of Herod


no, just reroll horde

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Thank you.

This is a needed fix. The game is old and players play this game very differently. It would have needed to be implemented sooner or later.