Human is still the best race. I feel like these alliance don’t know this?
Human is still the best race. I feel like these alliance don’t know this?
Completely awful change, goodbye desired 50/50 alliance:horde ratio
Alliance is just faction change waiting room simulator at this point. But don’t worry, human is bis in 2 years at WotLK classic!
You’ve fed yourself a lie that horde racials are somehow better than ally racials and now believe some weird dogma that nobody pvps on ally because they have no chance.
It’s really not that clear cut, friendo. Don’t worry! In WOTLK and cata, EMFH will completely destroy horde pvp tenfold to what is happening now. Just wait.
Yes, pretty late considering alot already suffered through the grind and got most of their gear. This is blizzard’s way of telling all of those who suffered through the long queues that they wasted their time.
If this change goes live permanently I guess it is back to Classic and Retail for me unless there is an option to opt out of same faction BGs. I started playing BGs casually in TBC way back when, on both my Horde and Alliance characters. I have absolutely no interest in playing same faction BGs either on my Alliance or Horde characters.
P.S. IMO they’d be better served separating out premades and matching them against each other.
LOL, so much for Classic amirite?
And here we have the reason that causes a lot of people to be against every change.
Why do you insist on turn Classic into Retail? Can’t you just play Retail if they that important to you?
Bandaid on a gunshot wound.
Guys don’t worry i found the fix for alliance players, just reroll kekw
Their reward is that they get to be Alliance.
(Truthfully, I’d be a little miffed, too.)
Id like to think this is directly from our threats to murder alliance. I know it isnt but it still makes me smile.
This will prove to save TBC pvp
ITT: Blizzard bails out people for doing dumb things.
Me an average Horde player who has played horde for fun because they look cool
“Oh boy I can’t wait to see good constructive discussion on how this will help the majority who enjoy playing and aren’t playing horde just for racials”
Lets see, we got Alliance stereotyping horde, Horde thanking for change, Horde mad at Alliance for calling them sweaty, Alliance mad at Horde for being too sweaty.
Just another day on the forums.
Well since a large majority of players do, that’s just your new reality.
I completely agree with this… alliance needs a boost to honor gains if this goes live. And not a small boost, 20% minimum.
Actually, make the server FFA and let the players choose their enemies and allies. So many horde clowns I want to be able to kill…
Not a fan, doesn’t fit the warcraft RP. Probably needed though. Get ready for a lot of trash talking.
What’s the point of playing alliance now blizzard? I and many other alliance will be quitting the game soon or forced to reroll i guess.