who cares that much about min maxing… play the faction you like with your friends who play the same faction. if you lose in PVP because of a silly racial you deserve to die. Horde were only camping ALLY in WPVP cause we had nothing to do for 1 hour to get Honor…
Ah yes, resort to ye old unreliable on-the-spot adage that fails to bolster any point made in previous posts, more than likely a cause of nothing of worth to be said or contributed.
Anyway, enjoy the week long change and wallow in discontent like we did for the last month. It’s only gonna last for a week anyway, they might not even follow through.
For the Horde
your crying paid off
Their isn’t.
So. . .
A bunch of people rolled Horde for the leet racials and World PVP advantage on PVP servers.
They cried about the long queue times compared to Alliiance
Blizz decides to pander to the FotM race fans.
Where is personal responsibility and consequences
This change just shows the WoW devs are completely terrible and have no idea what they are doing.
Might as well just enable faction transfer and just make the game only horde
There’s already no reason to play alliance. What are you monkeys even thinking
how does this fix anything in the long run…offer discounted factions xfers
I rarely post on the forums but I feel the need to after seeing this. This along with other changes ya’ll have made to burning crusade are making this the last time I play a blizzard game. I play classic to not have the game be retail but also not have changes that just don’t make any sense to an entire faction. At this point I would have rather the game come out exactly the way it was so I can at least enjoy it one last time… thanks for making this a this a sour send off.
Edit ****
Since the announcement of this we’ve had up to 7 guilds announce they are transferring off of the server (Herod). Looks like I won’t be able to finish Sunwell with you killing the alliance population of my server. I’d rather unsub then give Blizzard more money to transfer as a reward for causing this problem in the first place.
Of the options you had available to you this is what you chose? A feature that on retail has proven to do more harm than good. You chose this out of giving them the ability to do a faction transfer which was an actual feature in Wrath? Color me disappointed when it comes to the judgement of your dev team. “Classic” Was supposed to be just that, “Classic”. We came here because features like this on retail are utter failures and ruined the game for us. Alienating the Classic crowd for the sake of the retail crowd trying to go Classic will end up with you losing both in the long run.
You didn’t, but most did. Why do you think the original vanilla numbers were more in favor of alliance, but now it has switched in the other direction, further than it was in the original game? Anyone who did 5 minutes of research before playing the game knew this would happen and would be worse in tbc
I wouldnt mind because im not a piece of human garbage with smooth brain who thinks there need to be a ‘queue time punishment’ for the more popular faction.
Until you look at the reasons for the blue posts
The arena season has been out for two weeks and we saw this problem coming for both of those weeks as well as during the prepatch, which they for some reason decided to cut extremely short (JK we all know it’s marketing putting short term gains before the health of the game).
Alliance players have been able to gain a huge gear advantage in that time.
To not include AV in this to benefit alliance players in some way is both an insult and a joke. Alliance winrate in AV amongst all BG’s is the worst by far, probably 80% lose rate and now we cant even mercenary over to horde to get some wins in a BG that alliance constantly loses. I can understand 1hr queues are unacceptable but this is just a blaringly one sided benefit to one faction. Include AV at the very least, or disabling all racials in both BG’s & Arena to compensate and make things 100% even would be better, but you would never do the latter.
How does Kaivax always post these updates, but never stickies them…
wow is that scarab lord xert?
Why stop here Blizzard? If you’re going to allow folks to just kill their own faction members then factions truly don’t matter. Open up xfaction grouping and auction house as well then. You clearly want this to be retail anyways. When can we expect Warmode to be implemented as well?
I expect next to nothing and I am still disappointed Ashes of Creation cannot launch soon enough.
Yess hahahaha next up dual spec! Let’s goooo blizzard put these silly people in their place and make the game better! Thank you!!!