There is time for counter play it happens all the time people are just bad. Maybe vs an arcane surge mage there isn’t but that is just an absurd gimmick ability. And rogues are busted too but they gave them every ability on top of high burst. The change is a straight nerf to classes that only do damage and a buff to classes that can sustain its a bad change. And as I stated people are getting globald all the time on classic era and no damage reduction is there…
I had so much fun in phase 1 BGs when shamans and healers were just unkillable great times. Please make healers invincible again!
Make PvP gear actually good and have set bonuses like arena gear. Bring back resilience that reduces player damage and critical damage. Bring back trinket set bonuses that increases stamina bonuses etc. Blanket auras just band aid gaping wounds which are not a good thing and it overall feels awful.
Also please show player damage and healing done on the scoreboard. I always feel like half the team is just afking.
This is honestly a great news and a great jumping off point. Using stamina in conjunction with damage reduction to get a strong base for pacing and healing throughput is the way.
Buffing stamina has PvE implications. PvP only auras affects PvP only. Same with food, bandages and spirit. ESPECIALLY Spirit due to the way Disc and RDruids scale with it.
Retail has a lot more systems in play than classic.
Borrowing JUST the PvP only auras is exactly what SoD needs. Theres no point adding something that requires retuning 98% of the game when you can add something that specifically targets what you want to address.
What a dumb idiotic comment. There is such a clear huge difference when a team has no healers vs a team with healers. Its night and day how good healers are to have.
Ret pallies have 0 counterplay, not sure why everyone is hyperfocused on spriests unless they themselves play a ret pally and are just trying to shift all the blame away from their class.
My thoughts exactly. Priests in p1 were too good because of effective hp and healing scaling. Healing is now inversely 20% stronger and escalates as a fight progresses.
The team with n+1 healers will have a significant advantage.
Although, at least now the game has progressed with cc. So maybe it’s OK?