+30% stam would be fine. The phantom damage reduction is weird and has a lot of downstream issues with classes that have very high damage mitigation and self-healing (mainly warlocks)
Do you have weapons equipped?
Soul Link locks did not have a kit to passively heal their HP in Vanilla.
How would they even do that without majorly impacting PVE?
They might need to tweak the damage reduction % or maybe offer something like a first strike flat reduction. A PVP only shield upon entering combat?
I’m happy they’re working to address this in general though versus a gear based approach.
Just increase mob damage by a similar amount. It’s really not that hard. They’ve already admitted they have “very easy knobs” that they can turn to tune mob damage.
just reintroduce the failed hybrid tax guise
There are a lot of damage reduction abilities that would be impacted by this. I can see it spiraling pretty quickly.
Nerf Locks! lol
instead of global aura, you guys should add the damage reduction to a 6 set bonus of a pvp set.
What a great idea! Well your at it why not just make healers immune to damage in pvp. The meta is so much fun when no one can do enough damage to kill healers, I sure do love it. And as a hunter that can only do damage, has 0 defensives, and an 8 yard deadzone, I’m sure this will be a great change for me when I’m fighting classes that have defensives and multiple ways to heal! Wow what an amazing change! Please keep listening to reddit cry babies as they only suggest changes that better games.
This creates an atrocious barrier to entry for PvP. A global damage reduction that can be fine tuned is a much better option.
Definitely interested to see how this goes. A good move in the right direction! Will def be play testing this weekend.
Make is so spirit gives you damage reduction vs other players in world or battleground pvp.
i like that we have no idea what kind of numbers they’re talking about or how this will actually affect gameplay and there are still people crying about it. would you prefer they did nothing and left it as is? let them test different solutions to see which one works best.
PVP damage has been overtuned since Phase 2; no point to even being a healer. and even more so in Phase 3
making pvp dmg different from pve damage is a fail but the SoD devs backed themselves into a corner and this is the only viable solution going forward I guess
People will still complain
We will implement a global damage reduction aura on PvP combat between players (and player controlled pets and other units).
Reading too hard?
Theres no realistic alternative, tbh. It can be done right (by-ability tuning using Auras is a common Retail tuning knob) but a good framework requires a proper implementation to function.
They have to do it right and they have to be actively making changes rather than once every few weeks. The problem is the one place they can try to get a feel for the pulse of the game is also one of the most toxic, hyperbolic, lying-prone and princess syndrome laden hives of scum and villainy on the internet this side of 4chan.
You trust them to get it right instead of doing it exactly how they did in p1?
when you don’t fix the problem, people tend to keep complaining, yes