Testing Adding Damage Reduction to PvP

It doesn’t need to be all classes… Hopefully some are spared from this. Hunter pets specifically need this though. Wind Serpents still 1v1 players to this day.

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I can already see these un-killable drain locks become even more ridiculous with this damage reduction aura.


doesnt this mean spriests will be stronger just in smaller numbers? lol

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Differing damage numbers is retail sht and undermines the game world. A stamina buff like stv when you engage in pvp combat is a better solution.


this. you would still die in one extra global.

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I see you are unfamiliar with the scaling fiasco in retail pvp.

It’s the same thing with their scam mobile game. As soon as they start fiddling with the numbers under the hood and lying to players the sooner I’m leaving the game.


Flat damage reduction makes classes which can heal significantly stronger. The classes that need a higher reduction in damage output for pvp are the one’s capable of healing. This is going to create new problems. It doesn’t solve the existing one.


I am quite familiar. This ain’t even remotely close to that. Not even in the same universe

Keep cringing tho you’re doing an excellent job

this is a horrible change but i feel like everyone already knows that so i wont even go into detail. ive come to expect stuff like this honestly


how about removing the useless spirit stat from all gear and making it 20+ stam

Make sure that dots have the highest damage reduction. Like 75% DR on damage over time abilities would be a good start. :wink:

Maybe explain how it’s bad or just keep crying to try and convince us…

Human male rogue = opinion invalidated

It was lame in phase 1 and it will be lame again in phase 3+.

Just stick with the stam buff in pvp combat. Frankly the mobs in SoD are so overtuned just making a flat 30% hp in the world would be ok imo.

You guys need to nerf Meta Locks in tandem with this. The class wins in pvp off of sustain, and this will make them even more unkillable. You need to nerf their ability to heal themselves in PvP or something, because they are already unkillable gods—a flat damage reduction will increase their effective HP to absurd levels.

I would be fine with a +30% stam buff instead.


I think you talking about retail. the blue post talking about sod

Any Lock who uses Meta in PVP is suspect. Soul Link Felguard with Haunt is the play.


Wow maybe I will be able to actually heal in PvP now


Both of these builds are disgusting against any non-caster.

But yeah, locks have way too much mitigation and sustain in both–and additional damage reduction to that class will result in the same problem they were trying to fix with the Meta+Soul Link BS.

Finally, thank you for taking my suggestion (yeah I’m partially taking credit for this, I’ve proposed that solution many times, all without any support (fools) so there you go). It’s the only good solution for the current situation.

That’s how Soul Link locks have been since Vanilla.