Testing Adding Damage Reduction to PvP

it has to be around 50% dmg reduction lol absolutely insane to think this was the way to go

it’s very nice to see void plague still hitting for 300 while my chimera shot got a 50% damage nerf :slight_smile:

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what do u mean by insane? Pretty much every good pvper i know agreed damage needed like 50-60% dam reduction at the very least to start feeling fun and not like a mme.

I don’t disagree with a damage reduction but not like this

Let’s try a 90% damage reduction for the lulz
We can all be raid bosses

In what system lol? a Monarchy lol? In the legal system in most western countries it isnt.

burden of proof is on the person making a claim
are u thick?

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Lol :rofl: you definitely are.

You’re claiming your not level 40 and your tag says your 40.

have you played it yet? because it just feels awful, no one can kill eachother half the time. I would maybe agree if they didnt keep the health pools but right now it absolutely sucks i was thinking 20-25% would have been perfect but 50%? na no way

I dont know what you guys complaining about. This is great, You can actually have more time alive than at graveyard now. Thanks blizz

Listen you 2 trolls, I’m ignoring you now.

I’m here to listen and discuss about the changes not feed your silly illogical debate.

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Lol man keeps bringing up easily debunked things, Man gets mad.
Why say something if you don’t believe in it enough to even attempt at making an argument on why its true.

It’s interesting that the only people crying about this much needed change are seething over 1v1s; ‘whaaaaa I can press 1 or 2 buttons and kill something with zero skill and now that people are able to play a class i cant win 1v1’!

I know this might shock some of you but the game isn’t balanced around 1v1s and it shouldn’t ever be. The overall group pvp in bgs is infinitely more enjoyable now. Stop crying and start learning how to press a few buttons instead of 1 :slight_smile:

exactly, it’s just bads who relied on broken specs being able to insta gib people seething that they can’t 1v1 anymore.

That sounds promising.
May I ask what class you’ve tested?

For reference.

My concern is the blanket changes will feel good on some classes but terrible on others.

Example warrior and rogue

Is this global thing really a change or an answer? It feels like a really half assed what if we do this because it requires no effort and see what happens.
As shadow priest I found myself wondering what I was going to do after I already pressed all the instant cast buttons. Melee would start whacking away at me and I had nothing to cast. I bet it was just auto attack too. So much for a damage increase last Tuesday. I ran out of mana dotting people, and they were not dying. A spriest going oom

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They didn’t forget warlock dots. They tickle even more now.

good luck killing hybrid classes with instant heals, bro

I’m running MM hunter lone wolf with pvp set, BM xbow, 5 stacks sniper training and rapid fire can barely outdamage a balance druid hots now :slight_smile:


I was just in a bg and our hunters were absolute terrors, healers still died, hybrids still died. And bg pvp actually felt fun instead of isntant melt fests.