"Terror of Darkshore" Horde Opinions and Reactions (Meta/Story)

Is it about giving Alliance players reason to hate the horde or is it about trying to motivate Alliance players to PVP?

The interview where they state that Sylvanas was involved with Wrathgate they make mention that Allaince players can raid Sylvanas now in Org. Like that was something non-pvp’ers should be interested in or consider as something meaningful.


Or she see’s the errors of her ways and performs some sort of redemptive sacrifice, there are different ways it can go. But that does not mean you need be nasty to your fellow players over it.


I would like to think that after recent events, Blizzard is walking on eggshells now and wouldn’t do something silly like that. But that may be the wishfulest of wishful thinking.

You cant redeem genocide


Hostilities were suspended at the start of Legion. Remember, there was that whole cinematic with the mutual head nod of respect.

Not really. Legion invasion trumps petty vengeance. What you need is a reason to attack the Horde that’s so compelling that it forces the Alliance playerbase to put their genre savvy and common sense aside.

What you got was duped by the Legion into a trap, that your leaders then blamed the Horde for before attacking under false pretenses.

This is why you get so many Alliance players complaining about lack of fist pumps.


As I have discussed before, Blizzard cares not about the act, but the intent behind the act. Yes it is a…dubious morailty, but this is shown multiple times. Including but not limited to: The Vulpera quest in the Alliance incursion scenario, the declaration that WC1 was nuanced, and many others illustrate intent, not action matter to Blizzard

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Between the human king and the Forsaken queen. Neither being the respective heads of their factions.

Also, you’re taking a single gesture a bit far, dontcha think?

No, i am saying that these kinds of frustrations are turned into motivations for the blue team with the perpetual sense that our thirst for blood is never satisfied in the way that blizzard presents this events.
maybe i didn’t make myself clear enough on that, my apologies.
just look at teldrassil, i think that maybe i want to nuke the horde with the vindicar.
is not that what motivation is about? frustration.

oh but i do know that, i don’t think that i insulted horde players… if i did is not my intention.

i think that you are right on that, the ones who do those kinds of stuff are villains who will eventually die, i am just saying that maybe we can have some of that with some alliance characters, i wouldn’t mind.
it could be fun.

i disagree, vengeance is everything to me, i think that is really fun.
but now that i think about it… most alliance players likes being the “good guys”… hmm maybe you are right… maybe i can’t speak for all aliance players.

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One, the High King was the head of his faction.

Two, that’s not the only reason, I’m just getting tired of talking about Broken Shore.

They are the ones who called it genocide, they are also the ones trying to put sylvanas in her own box, making the rest of the horde just seem dumb or that it wasnt there fault. She isnt going to get redeemed, all the teld art has her standing alone, all the cinematics arent about how the alliance must stop the horde but how they must stop Sylvanas.

she gonna die brah

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Actually untrue, as told by word of god.

Edit: Whoa, we can embed tweets now? Sweet.


Have you played the Blizzard’s SC2 games? Kerrigan goes bananas with GENOCIDE all 3 games. For no reason other than to be a jerk. Even when she’s on the side of “good”, she sends her 2nd in command wipe out the population of farm planets for no tactical reason other than to be evil.

In the end for her nonstop genocides on countless planets, and evil betrayals/murders of lawful good man characters, she’s rewarded with everything she ever wanted, true love, and is the goddess of the universe. I am not joking or exaggerating.


They have also remarked in Blizzard marketting that Sylvanas has a destiny that needs to be fulfilled. In the run up to Blizzcon the virtual ticket had a special on Blizzard Heroes and Villians, guess what the emphasized? That she was dark, edgy, cared about the Horde, and had a destiny to still fulfill.

Yes, and it was a horrible story decision on Blizzard’s part. And it will still be horrible if they do it again.


That’s a different topic that is it’s own mess and irrelevant since the “head nod” is not the only reason to know that hostilities were put on hold. Just the one I brought up.

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Yeah and remember the backlash to that ending, yeah I doubt they’d do it again. Sorry your waifu is dead, sylvanas dont got no jim raynor for people to feel sorry for when she goes.


And? That doesnt mean anything than when she does go, its going to be epic, her death is going to bring the old gods or something, they are just going to make it important unlike with garrosh where it was in a meme xpac that got forgotten about.

The circumstances that may or may not be about her death are unknown is my point. Hell I wrote a huge like 1500 word pst of the old boards on where I think they are taking her narrative arc, so far have not yet seen anything that undermines it.

But honestly? being nasty to your fellow human beings on the message board isnt really a good idea in my honest opinion. I get that the impersonal nature of the board can make it easy, but these are other humans,.


I don’t disagree that genocide isn’t something to be forgiven, but media does it all the time. If Steven Universe, a childs show mind you, can preach forgiveness to an obvious NatSoc parallel with a literal human zoo and an enormous mass grave, and the…implications…of sexual assault, then i’d consider ‘redeeming’ Darnassus small potatos.

I don’t think they’ll try to redeem her to the Alliance though, it’ll probably make her death into some form of apotheosis or something.


You- you do know they intended Warlords to be good, right?

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