"Terror of Darkshore" Horde Opinions and Reactions (Meta/Story)

OP’s Note: This is not meant to make those who liked the cinematic change their mind, but rather to discuss potential meta storyline issues that are presented with it. If you enjoyed the cutscene, and the story it represents, I am genuinely happy for you and am not intending to change that opinion. I am not attempting to start a flame war or fight with this as well. This is mainly a thread dedicated towards Horde fan opinions, but feel free to comment regardless, just try to keep that in mind.

It is also important to keep in mind that I, like many other Horde fans, do not like the story that is being played out, starting with BtS and the prepatch. We did not want to be the villains, so please keep that in mind.

Despite the high quality of the “Terror of Darkshore” cinematic, it left me more distraught and disappointed in the story than I was before it. The cinematic fully cements the idea to me that the forsaken/horde are simply the villains of the current plot, such as the Twilight Hammer or Burning Legion. Just the evil force to be overcome by the valiant heroes.

If you only really care about the horde, like I do, within the story, that cinematic seems to offer only negative things. The night elves and Malfurion seem completely justified in their vengeance, to the point where there is no motivation to even fight against them. It even just feels depressing to see someone like Malfurion be so vehemently against you, after working closely with him often in the past. I don’t feel pumped to fight against them, because I don’t even desire to fight them, and they are only fighting us because we started it horribly. I don’t care about defending darkshore because we have no tie to it at all.

Honestly, watching that cinematic was the first time I genuinely got the feeling that I picked the wrong groups to become a fan of. I don’t mean that as overly dramatic or anything, but that is how I felt.

I was wondering how others felt about this, and other horde player’s opinions on the cinematic in general.


i think this is a problem a lot of horde are having, at least from what i have seen, and i can’t exactly say i disagree. if i was a horde main, i would be having trouble finding motivation


I’m like the opposite of Metzen: I play both factions, but my heart lies with the Alliance. With that said, my main Horde toon is a Forsaken Warlock. I came up with a backstory for him and everything. When I think about doing the Darkshore warfront on my Alliance main, this Night Elf druid I’m posting with, I’m pumped as hell. When I think about playing it on my Forsaken, I feel nothing. He has no connection to Darkshore AT ALL. It’s such a random place for the Forsaken to be making a big stand at. For that matter it’s a random place for the wider Horde as well. With Teldrassil gone it’s pretty much worthless strategically. Why are we even there from a Horde perspective?

So I guess I agree with OP’s position. The Horde is pretty much only there as the villains.


If you feel like you picked the wrong side what are you going to do about it? Are you going to help saurfang or not?


Did you mean help him hire hundreds of assassins to depopulate Ashenvale, or help him personally lead the invaders depopulating the cities of Darkshore? You were unclear.


Picking saurfang doesn’t fix these problems. At all.


But he is the only character that is going to do something about it, its almost like the wow story moves at a snails pace.


The true decision is the one to go to the beach and ignore the faction war.


but i hate the beach


I loved the cinematic, I loved to see the Malfurion and Tyrande standing there bossed up, while my boy Nate isn’t flinching he’s all business. And if it means anything I’ve always felt like the Forsaken were the Alliances worst nightmare so the whole villain thing is mute.


did…did you just call nathanos, “nate”?


I think Terror of Darkshore cinematic was intended for mainly Alliance audience hence Horde was portrayed as “evil” and Horde players aren’t supposed take the cinematic at face value as if it has meaning to them :woman_shrugging:. Just like Old Soldier wasn’t for Alliance side.

But I really enjoyed the cinematic in general.


I almost called Malfurion Maly and Tyrande T. :rofl:


Honestly, I get the feeling that the Blood Elf Paladin probably didn’t deserve the sudden and probably grizzly end she got. And that orc that got buried alive? Not cool, Malfy.

But I can’t really protest too much. It’s the Night Elves dialing up the vengeance. It’s probably what they need right now.

And yeah, if you don’t like being the villain of the story, best thing you can do I imagine is tend your metaphorical resignation to Sylvanas and move out with Saurfang. If it were up to him, the Night Elves would still have Teldrassil to go home to, and more than that, he’d have not pursued war if not for Sylvanas pressing him on the issue and convincing him it was the best shot at the Horde surviving with not super-great prospects.


I unfortunately don’t really have anything to add, but I definitely feel where Verlius is coming from and I can definitely understand and agree with his perspective, even if I really liked the cinematic myself.


Exactly! It their time to shine and I’m happy for them.


And not gonna lie… the whole cinematic was kinda badass. In a horror movie sort of way.


I would like to state that I am happy for everyone who likes the cinematic and enjoyed it. I just wanted to express my perspective, I am in no way trying to take it away from those who wanted it.


When you consider the primary Horde races that are stationed there (not the one’s in the cinematic, the actual races that dominate Darkshore) its largely comprised of Bilgewater and Forsaken.

Honestly, outside of the Bilgewater exploiting the natural resources … those two races are the two I’d choose if I was Sylvie; if I wanted to pressure the NEs into doing something stupid. The Bilgewater and the Forsaken have proven to be troublesome opponents for the NEs (who heavily rely on the exploitation of friendly terrain) … because they are just really good destroying terrain.

If Sylvie still plans on splitting the Alliance and having each race focus on their own problems first, rather than winning the War as a whole; then I cannot think of a single thing that would put more of a fire under the NEs to do just that than: A) Putting the two most amoral and environmentally destructive Horde races into the captured NE territory; and B) Raising the dead NEs while she’s at it (that’ll make em REALLY mad … and as she says, making em mad makes em stupid/careless).


Hehehe. Grizzly. Pun.