Terrified to main WW

Viability is all relative.

The first 2months of 8.3 I would say WW was not viable. I would even still argue WW isn’t very viable on Mythic N’zoth. You can do it but you gotta play really good. You need to play at a way higher level than other classes would. You’ll need the fire mage/destro/bm to carry you otherwise.
When you could buy your corruption a lot of classes became viable.


And? They still are huge authorities in the Monk community with things like writing our sims, guides, etc.
Hell babs went to blizzcon and got into about monks with them.
So if you can’t even respect those two and what they bring to the monk community, then you won’t respect anyone else unless they are 1:1 with your thought process.


Stop the presses! The single biggest threat to the existence of the spec is that we might not be able to stop rolling after 4 yards

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Yes it does. Viable just means that ‘it works’, more or less. Probably not winning nose scratching competitions, but it works.

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Being carried is not the same as being viable.

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Same dude, race changed the other character.
Being viable just means carrying your weight.

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It’s too late to grind all of the stuff you need for BfA if you haven’t started. Are you asking for SL?

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