Terrified to main WW

Hi all,

Have there been any updates to the outlook of raiding as WW? It has been a real bummer being at the absolutely bottom of the barrel all expansion.

I’m considering a class with more DPS options just to remove the risk of our one dps spec being bad.


there was supposed to be massive changes this week. that never happened.

going WWer is never a safe bet, especially if you want to raid. if you want a safe bet, demon hunter, mage or warlock. steer clear of this class unless you want to play a brewmaster.


So realistically WW isn’t bad for the first month of an expansion. If WW happens to be good at the start you can bet there will be a nerf. They never leave WW higher than middle of the pack at the start of an expac.

However after that first month its all downhill. You wont scale well with content and such. WW is a good main for a person that doesn’t care about numbers. The spec plays good even with the bugs. Also good for people who have a guild that will carry them as the expac goes on. Antorus was an accident. History of WW will tell you everything

Who knows what will happen with the covenants. Almost all of them are bugged. BUT hey we got 1 of the bugs with stomp fixed!


I think people confuse the design of a class with the balance of the class.

People go on and on about all kinds of nonesense, but really its just: if blizz gives you an aura buff, you’ll be good, if not, you wont.

End, beginning of xpansion is all fog. Ww was at its strongest in 7.3 and at its weakest at 8.3, both end of expansions.

If your goal is to always have highest dps spec, you’ll need to change specs each balance patch, its simple.


So FOR FUN. I wanted to look at WW rankings going back a bit.
All 95th percentile!

WW dps ranking for overall at 95th percentile

Ny’Alotha - 22
Eternal Palace - 23
Dazar’alor - 22
Uldir - 17th
Antorus - 3rd
Tomb of Sargeras - 14th
Nighthold - 21st
Emerald Nightmare - 22
HFC - 16th
BRF - 13th
Highmaul - 11th
Siege of Org - 14th

Antorus looks like the only Tier we did good. Few other tiers we were middle of the pack. Mostly in the bottom rankings :frowning: We couldn’t even do good in our own expansion lol. I think MW is even worse lol

Hard :panda_face:Life


This post hurt my soul…


This class has neither dude. Design nor balance.


Everyone keeps complaining about WW’s numbers in raid and sure they aren’t close to the best (in raids) but they are far from the bottom of the barrel; my logs are proof of that.

Also do incredibly well in M+ and Arena.

But if they don’t get cancel roll aura back in the game WW will 100% be unplayable. There is so much utility and playmaking that comes with cancel roll aura and if they take it out of the game the class is 100% dead. This should be priority #1 for monks.


Apparently this breaks the class and I had no idea it existed. What do you use it for?


It’s not that bad. Nobody is complaining about my performance. Everyone knows Bliz trashes classes periodically. You can look at my gear and see it’s not even that good and I don’t even use the most common build and I’ve got more than enough damage to get by. Admittedly, this isn’t a hardcore mythic raiding toon but it’s not as bad as people are saying.

Looking at your warcraft logs youre parsing good but looking at your fights youre parsing in the 90s and people are beating you parsing in the 50s. Youre obviously good but imagine if your class was balanced or if you were playing one of those other classes.


At the end of the day, unless you’re going for world first, or a hard core CE progression, or 25+ M+ keys, play what you want. I agree with all the frustration that the WW community has, and i hope they get addressed in SL’s. But unless you’re in the small group of people that are playing the PvE to its max extent, you’ll be fine as a WW. So play what you enjoy, and leave the min maxing to the 1%. Also, like someone else pointed out earlier, WW is freaking great in arena’s right now, and probably for a while, so there’s that added bonus at least.

You don’t need to go for M+25 to realize the faults with WW or see how unbalanced the spec is. At +20 you’ll begin to see how your gimping yourself playing WW. At the end of BFA you would think WW would be GREAT at Mythic+. We stack versatility already which is huge for M+. Yet, the DH is flying past you doing crazy dps with only 3 buttons and having better defense. That isn’t fun.

Its true you don’t need to be the best to get CE, but it feels bad knowing your playing a meme spec in a raiding environment regardless of tier. It must feel really bad when you get pink parse as WW and yet another spec cruises by you in dps doing a blue/purple parse. Part of the fun in raiding is parsing with your friends. Its fun to compete with others in a video game.

You don’t need to be 1% to enjoy parsing or min/maxing. Telling people to leave min/maxing to the 1% is a loser attitude. This is a major problem plaguing the monk community. Most people who played monk at a high level have left the class because they know the rest of the monk community is okay fighting for last spot. It isn’t okay for MW to fight for the 4th raid spot. It isn’t okay that WW is considered “okay” for the very first few weeks of an expansion. I’d even take WW being ''okay" for the entire expansion. Not WW is last again, what’s new.

I hate when people say WW is great at PvP so don’t get mad at our failing PvE. That is a garbage reason to justify WW’s performance for PvE. You might not of explicitly said this, but people imply this all the time. No1 cares about pvp because WoW pvp is a joke. Every1 knows WoW doesn’t have great pvp and Season 4 of BFA was an even bigger joke. Warlocks are spamming chaos bolt like its a scorch. What??

Its not fun or cool that the dev’s don’t have enough time or they aren’t interested in WW/MW to fix the specs. How much longer until BRM is trashed??? Why doesn’t WindWwalker feel like it does anything with the wind?? What is so misty about MistWeaver?? Where is the identity to the specs?


What sort of raiding?

I imagine it’ll be fine to go regardless unless you’re in some high end mythic guild. In which case, I doubt you’d be asking here.

I mean when Icy veins has us listed as “There is just no reason to bring a Windwalker other than for damage, and they do not bring the damage necessary to justify taking up a melee spot.” I would take that as a sign that unless your guild is shorthanded or just to nice to ask you to change they would rather you bring something else.


First and foremost, this tier list is strictly for the first raid of Shadowlands, Castle Nathria. While there are no Warcraft Logs rankings or simulation results yet for most classes in the upcoming raid, this list is based on our experience throughout every raid test playing with some of the best players for each class and specialization inside Castle Nathria on both Mythic and Heroic. While more anecdotal in nature, this tier list will reflect how competitive guilds will feel about bringing the various classes and specs into Castle Nathria. We are also account for current tuning, including even the most recent changes that may have occurred after raid testing finished.

It is incredibly important to emphasize that just because a DPS specialization is low in the tier list, it does not mean that you should ignore it completely. For the vast majority of cases, you should choose to bring the better player, not the better specialization . That does not mean it is a good idea to run nothing but melee dps for the entire raid, but more so that having more melee than usual on your roster is not a hindrance if they play well. All being lower tier means is that, all else being equal, those specs will be less desirable for the raid based on current tuning.


This is where you start getting into the lower end of the tier list, the specs that you would need a reason to bring. That is not to say you should never bring them, but the player would need to be good enough to offset the difference in performance.

Obviously these are discussions to have with your guild.

True but when currently we are seeing those WW at the top of our spec doing the same damage output as other specs 70 parses it doesn’t help. The raid (I haven’t read through the bosses yet) likely has at least one dps check fight. So yeah the question to ask the guild is can you guys cover for my spec being sub-par. And thats if I’m playing at peak performance if I’m a blue parse for WW I’m even lower on the charts and could easily be doing the same or better on another main. If we had more than one DPS spec it might be excusable for one to lag behind the other in content types. But right now unless your the only monk your guild has you can’t even bring anything special to the table.


Hence a discussion you have with your guild. Obviously if parsing poorly as compared to getting a spot is his concern, a class with more specs will always be safer.

After what happened yesterday is a great indication to not Main monk in SL. If you do high mythic+ or mythic raiding, just don’t main a monk.

Honestly, Monk is looking so bad right now for SL that I might just quit WoW for a lil bit. I don’t wanna main anything else and I don’t wanna be a gimp healer in SL. I don’t think I’ve ever thought about quitting WoW because my class wasn’t fun or good until now. I’ve played this game since BC as well. My last main was a Rdruid for 8years.

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My raid keeps insisting it’ll be fine when I’m healing bring the class I love. I told him I’ll be side leveling my paladin just in case. It’s sad when your so far down the list your afraid to even play your class exclusivly through launch.
