Terrified to main WW

Like i said Most hunters see melee surv as an abomination. It’ll never be high played.

I also think your a troll at this point. DH is usually a good clue to a troll. Just like the other DH that’s a bit above us in posts the 101 dh.

What’s your point?

I’m rerolling Druid or Monk for ShL.

And how am i trolling? Please explain that to me. I’m literally saying that i find a spec fun and engaging and encouraging someone to stick with it if they have fun. How is that trolling?

I have, in this thread itself, stated that the class and spec has issues. I have stated that it needs more feedback and more players to draw more attention to it. I have stated that i’m unhappy with Blizzard ignoring the class and spec, and that it needs work.

You have gone on stating how it’s currently underperforming Parse wise, as if that matters before heroic week and as if that matters in the overwhelming majority of guilds and raids. So who’s trolling?

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Edit: They are in fact NOT a troll. I wanted to make sure this is clear.

I really do think your trolling. I’m glad you think your going to be a Monk for SL, but in the end the parses are looking dim. Our massive nerfs out of nowhere are unexplained. Most people do care about performance. This idea of only the 1% needs to go away. The 1% are never really affected by balance because they play the best no matter what.

The playstyle can be fun but only when the bugs are not getting in the way. Have you played WW on the beta? Nothing is interacting with our mastery and SEF is causing CD’s to do less dmg than normal.

We’ve seen this same scenario played out before. BFA/legion. Both expanions had WW filled with bugs maybe mid tier to start. People keep telling us it’ll be fine don’t worry about it. Next thing you know WW is bottom trash tier for raiding / mythic+. Tired of our spec not being at least mid for an entire expac. Everyone keeps telling us it’ll be fine when we know from history it wont be. The class is hardly played for a reason. It receives a decent play rate at the start of the expac until people notice the lack of scaling.

The same every expansion.

We just want simple changes for WW and the devs can’t even do that. This is the big reason I tell people to not play monk. The class is ignored. I think largely the problems we have are cause of DH.


Look if i was trolling i’d be out here asking “why you and other monks even play monk as all you just complain about it?!?!?!1”

You clearly play monk because you enjoy it and are passionate about the class. What i’m trying to say is that when someone asks about the class you give them the pros and cons about why you play it.

Demon hunter for example. The class, both specs, is boring AF. It’s super basic. It’s also fun to jump around like an idiot and explode and shoot lasers out of your eyes. But because the moment to moment is dull, i’m not playing it in ShL.

Monk offers the mobility that i like, and some extra flexibility in that it has a more interesting tank spec and potential to heal. But WW is far more interesting mechanically than havoc, so it’s got a win there. The cons are that on live it’s damage isn’t great, and it has far too many bugs.

Yah and I agree. Blizzard introduced a 2 spec class that did the same as their previous class, but amplified. But the bigger issue is that Blizzard bites off far more than it can chew. Monk in general hasn’t really got the attention it needs, but Survival has received like 0 feedback, Shaman pendulum swing so hard between lots of feedback and drought (as well as being good or bad), Feral and Guardian druid completely fail to fill any real niche (BM is leagues ahead of Guardian while WW and Feral probably same boat ish)

So i’m not trolling Pyro. I think Monk is a really fun class with troubles. I think that it does more good to give people a fuller explanation than just “the damage is bad and there’s bugs”


I think the reason for this is that they know they messed up BIG! lol
I know surv doesn’t receive feeback I also said this in my 2 mega monk threads. I don’t think its right that Blizzard ignores them.

I think that’s true. But lets not forget how Blizzard is ignoring the class which is my big point in this thread. Its not just “there’s bugs” its more like “there’s bugs and they will probably for life” our bugs are like a permanent fixture. This is the main problem I have going forward.

Main monk if you will but your taking a big risk.

I think an advantage there though is “Maining Monk” as in the whole class. Brewmaster is shaping up to still be pretty top tier.

I mean on the bug front, havoc has had a bug since it was launched where sometimes you fel rush too fast and the game just DCs you. Or sometimes they adjust an ability, and for some reason the entire mechanics of double jump just completely break. But i agree completely that Monk in general just has an unacceptable amount of bugs, especially WW/MW

I get this same bug when i roll off a cliff or Dragon kick. I hate it. I had it happen 3x last night in Maldraxxus.

Its still looking good power wise. However, its really boring now lol. They should of just left BRM alone. You’ll understand when you play. Stagger is doing everything for you. I’m also expecting more nerfs for BRM before the beta is over.

1 more thing! If you do make a Monk! Go Panda.

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I donno is it as boring as Guardian druid lol. Vengeance is only really fun because you’re jumping around and exploding, but rotationally it’s not great.

It would be really sick if BRM got changes to breath of fire so that it actually like… did something. A breath of fire build would be a pretty funny thing to see and play imo it’s jut that the ability is pretty limp.

Though if it’s a little dull to play, that might not be a bad thing for at least the first while of the Xpac when learning the content. Like not so boring you fall asleep (guardian) but not so complex you can’t focus on learning the fight etc.

because a lot of people these days think too much in binary. It’s all or nothing with them.

I too find WW enjoyable and advocate that it’s fun, but most of the ones who say no it’s not fun don’t understand the difference in something being viable and something being favorable.

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what is your name oh top 8 monk in the world so we can look you up


You are lying so bad

No idea what your angle is or what type of agenda you have but dude. Stop.

Honestly it sounds like you don’t understand the what viable means.

Viable: If under normal circumstance it is successful then it is viable.

Playing at a 90% parse to be an average dps is not viable. That is playing as the best in the game to be rewarded like you’re an average player. (hence not normal circumstance)

In fact it is the opposite of viable. It is what is referred to as “Incredible”. Incredible: The ability to do something normal in an extraordinary way.

To be viable would mean a 60%parse monk is equal to a 60% parse fire mage right now or a 60% parse warlock for overall dps numbers. But that is not the reality right now. A 60% parse monk is bad, so bad it’s bordering on a carry.

I’m not being rude but you can’t accuse people of not understanding key terms by giving examples that are not the definition of said key term.

Being best at the game to be considered an average dps is not viable it is incredible. Good monks are incredible because they are beating the odds their class is designed for.


Here is an example of viability using alcohol:
Whiskey and beer both will get you drunk, the former quicker and for less effort* (as in how much it takes) and the latter needing to do more but still a viable option to get you drunk.
Is it the best? No, but it will do the job and that’s what viability is, just feasibility to accomplish something.

This is what it means to be competitive and I am all for them fixing this, but as my main love as a WW is pvp I just want that not to be negatively impacted because they nerfed something they felt was too op in pve.
We all know they over nerf anything to do with us and want to avoid that.

Reaching around the back of your head to scratch your nose is not Viable. Sure you can do it but that doesn’t make it viable.

You had to go out of your way to preform a normal task… NOT viable but doable.

Just scratching your nose would have been the viable option.

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Your dps viability has nothing to do with what your other teammates are doing, but weighed against the encounter.
Boss has X health and a 5 min enrage timer, to beat that timer your dps has to minimally do Y for the boss to be defeated before timer.

If your dps falls below that Y threshold, then their dps isn’t viable.
If you can’t survive mechanics without significant amount of external help then you aren’t viable.

Really wish talb and babes would come around and better explain the concept. I don’t do it justice enough.

It’s like you purposely ignore the actual definition because it does not fit your twisted narrative.

“Under normal circumstance” Say it with me “Normal Circumstance”.

Guess why warcraft logs records 90+% parse in a different color… because that is not normal. In fact it is considered incredible.

The day this becomes a solo game your argument of “has nothing to do with your other teammates” will have grounding but since this is a team game with limited raid spots and even less spots for melee it has no basis here.

Now look at normal for a lock or a mage or a DH. When a monk has to be the worlds best to compete with a normal DH it is not viable in any sense of the word.

It is incredible.


this is how I know you are ignoring what I said.

Do you have the mechanical ability to be successful and pull your share of the weight? If the answer is yes then there is no but.

You are arguing competitiveness, which I agree we aren’t very competitive, but viability just means about being able to do at least the bare minimum to pull your fair share of the weight and WW doesn’t need to pull 90 parses to beat the minimum dps requirement.

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No competitiveness in the viability applies when we are in a team game with only 6 open spots for melee dps.

If I am recuriting for my raid set up. I have 2 tanks (one brew because they are still awesome even with the celestial brew nerf last beta build), then 4 heals (one shaman to bring hero/bloodlust) , I have only 6 melee (one has to be enhance due to windfury totem back for only enh shaman), then 8 range. But I still need battle rez (druids DKs), 3% armor from a ret dev aura, immunities (BoP, anit magicshell, to an extent darkness)…

Now guess who brings none of that?

So the only thing ww brings is dps since a brew is already required and the brew will provide mystic touch.

To be viable you must have normal dps COMPARED to other classes that will be taking your spot. The End

You can agree to disagree. But Viable literally means Under Normal Circumstance and normally played WW monk will not be progressing this new xpansion.


Then you realize you are disagreeing with at least 2 of the peak of serenity moderators, babs and talb, right? Are they dead wrong?

You realize babs hasn’t mained a monk since legion…
And Tably, while cool, mains a shaman.