Terenas Alliance Reconnections

long shot, but LF my first loves brotherwolf, jade, keeper, where are you guys…‘tears :’(

which Olly

Daishi, Night Elf Warrior
Corpus Invictus, FragFest Alliance, Stehlen Life
Would love to find Cera, Biblethumper

Lithium/Ladelle here.

Guilds: Dark Equinox, Black Raven Dragoons

Started: In the middle of AQ war effort, had no idea what that even was at the time.

Seeing a lot of familiar faces. Just checking where some or most of us Terenasians(?) might be playing.

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Yup, that was me! Oscallus, Rawles, and Lovecraft were a couple other locks. I’m RL friends with Osc and Tier (another rogue), I don’t think they’ll be playing. Oh! Fusoya the priest! I used to hang with Tristar and Serjiro a bit (can’t remember his exact name) and LouTheWhite (human mage) came from Canada to visit us a few years back. All these names are popping in my head now lol

Putting it out there for any Stehlen Life, EK, Vision members that don’t have a home yet, you’re welcome to come join BoV / Legends of Terenas (and Pwners Den) on Mankrik horde side, we have a guild going!

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Was a Nightelf rogue named Fastkill. I, for the life of me, cannot remember the guilds I used to be in, memory ain’t the best anymore lol but my new toon is a human paladin named Drunk on the Mankrik server hmu if anyone wants to chat.

I definitely remember you =) I would love to see all the old guildies! Playing Classic again is bringing back so many memories! It’s crazy how many people I remember seeing on this thread! I love it.

Just seeing the names on here bring back so many memories, it’s so awesome. I’m with you, I’m so glad classic was released!

Hey remember that time I took hand of nefarian and all the paladins got all bent out of shape? XD

Was planning on Whitemane but queues pushed me to Kurinnaxx. I had such a hard time settling on a class but eventually picked Rogue again. Anyone else playing on Kurinnaxx?

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Hi! I played Lauriella, a human Paladin and I was gm of The Pink Fluffy Kittens. We didn’t raid, but we did have trivia night and lots of other fun casual events over the years! I’m playing over on Thunderfury now and would love to catch up with any of the original members who are coming back for Classic! Distarly, Kitiara, Radiance… so many more I can’t remember… but yea, I’m still Lauriella the Paladin so msg me if you make a character over there! :smiley:

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@Fredbsd - What server did you end up on? I went with Myzrael

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Hey Deeg…several actually. Was doing Pagle, but that’s a mess. Made a char on Myzrael tonight.

Prug and Sinn are back too.

I remember you Bandarr! I was Malfoy back then; I think we played together in Imperial Defenders. :slight_smile: Look me up if you need a pocket healer in Classic.

No way! Did they end up on Myzrael also, do you know?

I figure I’ll drop another post here… because apparently it worked and someone found me already!

Some of us old Eternal Keggers folks are playing Alliance side on Pagle. If you want a guild invite, I’ll probably be either on Tathais or Smellybeard.

FYI – Queue times are mediocre. After about 6pm Eastern they ramp up to about 45 - 60 minutes. They don’t really exist before 5pm Eastern that I’ve seen.

If this was a guild that transferred to Zangarmarsh when the free server transfers came out I was in it I’m pretty sure. Couldn’t recall the guild name since I was like 7-9 years old, but I was a night elf hunter named blazingboy. Teresa and your name look familiar and I remember a night elf hunter by the name of whispersuder. if any of that sounds familiar my battle net ID is Trey#1950

I started playing classic on westfall.

Minis - Human Paladin

Guilds: Legends of Seraphim, The Killing Dance

Other than people from my guild I really only remember:

Dandune - Human Warlock