Terenas Alliance Reconnections

Geerazer - Human Warlock

Guilds affiliated: Gamblers mainly

Activities: moderate PVP and PVE’d under Takeudown’s memorable leadership. =)

Note: Luv & miss you all. Cheers!


Can I persuade you to shift back?

Rodwise, most ecellent pally!

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I see a name I remember. :slight_smile: hi Jcarrilo


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Tosshi. Still dwarf warrior main. Vanilla was spent with Old Schools Finest/OSF. Raided on my DK with Team Cupcake during WOTLK. Still around, casually playing. Doubt I touch vanilla much, if at all, but would be down to group up with some old friends in retail.

Insane how many of these names I remember, and the ones I forgot come rushing back with memories.


Rod! Longtime bro. How you been?

Fancy playing Horde? I might go Alliance on Fairbanks if some of the crew come back. Fairbanks is PST so has an ok ping for me.

It looks like BoV and friends will be rolling on Horde side Mankrik, not Herod as originally planned.


Hi, I had a bit going on here…

Pigglywiggly - Gnome Warlock: I believe I raided here with Stehlen Life

I also ran a guild once called OMG Kittens Mew Mew Mew.

I also ran a pug guild on my warrior Rejected.


Heya Fred,
We used to run dungeons together back in the day!
I ran Karvolis (pally), Emlisar (Druid), Devinrahl (Hunter)

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One more sleep!

Hey Trixxe. I remember ya :slight_smile: I played a toon called Yin - Shadow Priest/Healer in Fragfest. Looking for Racine and all the guildmates I’ve forgotten that made WoW amazing in Vanilla.

I rerolled Undead Rogue - Elboz on Mannoroth and did the Rank 14 grind, then got into an AQ40/Nax raiding guild just before TBC expansion.


Yea I’m open. I saved a char on the server knightmares mentioned (alliance) idef want to get my t2 pally set but in another life some time later I played a blloodelf lock so could roll a lock on the horde side. More interested in hearing some of those old voices on the headset.


Ha for sure, Teo! Pretty sure you were in a bunch of our UBRS runs too, when we were farming for Breastplate of the Chromatic Flight.

Howdy. Bluebeast night elf hunter here, used to play for pvp mainly, had a solid premade going at one point, forget the names of the folks we ran with, would be sick to get back together and rise up the ranks again.

Hello old friend and rival. Hope all is well, rolling alliance side on Fairbanks.

Ace, former flag runner extraordinaire. Used to raid a bit with the SGA.

Olly Resto Druid PVP flag carrier and

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Hi yall! Apostle/Psalm here! Rolling a dwarf priest over on Atiesh.

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Well I’ll be damned, part n. Demon, Anolin, Helmuth coming back?


I got taller and forgot my vitamins

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Glad to see you come back man!

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