It absolutely would be. You don’t seem to understand how this would change the entire event just so you can flex your job for some weird reason.
Bingo. That’s the entire point. It keeps you playing and keeps you looking forward to new things, recirculated things and prioritizing your purchases.
Guess what happens when you toss it all into the store? Prices go up for the Trading Post to prevent you from whaling it. Which then screws the rest of us.
The system is meant to be a fun in game event to earn stuff through playing the game.
If you want to go spend your money on cosmetics, then I suggest heading over to Old Republic.
I literally could care less about your job and your money. I care about you screwing over the good in game system we have. But this nonsensical comment right here is where you lost your argument.
Deal with it. If you can’t passively earn these Tender every month, then you’re doing it wrong.
Right, because my opinion is TOTALLY the tipping scale for what gets ruined or not lol. But I appreciate you giving me more power than what I have I guess XD
Is this the same generation that complains about not being able to earn a living wage, no be able to pay rent, get/pay their mortgage, has to chose between rent and food that week etc while still spending money on food delivery, expensive coffees and online cosmetics? You people are weird.
When others jump on your bandwagon it does make a difference. It’s called the whiney vocal minority. But you don’t even seem to comprehend the repercussions of anything, so I’m not surprised that you don’t get it.
Education on what will change because of requests like this are what’s important. Sorry you don’t understand that.
Go spend time with your family instead of being on the forums. Goodnight.
Boiling the frog. Bad argument even if I accepted it which I don’t because it is a major transgression. You say this is small and so will the next thing be and that and that and that until the game is unrecognizeable, there were no “big” by your definition changes, just lots of tiny ones slowly chipping away at its integrity in search of further monetization to the nth degree and profit.
Do you like WoW? Because if so you’d want it to be profitable. Without profit the game dies. Subs are down, they have to find a way to generate revenue if they want to do anything new with the game.
Did the WoW Token destroy the game? No? How about the cash shop with occasional cosmetic items? No? Then some tendies that can only be spent on cosmetic items won’t destroy it either.
You have people ranting and protesting for bigger wages but spending $30+ on Doordash, daily $5-$6 Starbucks coffee and $20-$40 dinners at a fine restaurant
If I had an even better job, I’d still be here offending y’all poor shmoes, since I’d have even more disposable income, which apparently offends y’all to no end