Tenders Cash-shop Backlash

I know I’ll probably be in the minority here… But honestly, just monetize on these tendies already. Put them on the cash shop for those of us whales willing to pay a little extra for some additional tenders.

Everything you can buy with the tenders are cosmetic only. They don’t affect gameplay at all! And some of us have something called “disposable income” that comes from being “gainfully employed.” If we wanna spend it on some tendies, that doesn’t affect ANYONE else but ourselves and bank accounts. It also will put some money in Blizz’s pockets to hopefully allow them to work on more stuff in their game, such as opening up druids or paladins next :pray:

Sir Whale, Out!


Gimme gold plox

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No. It defeats the entire purpose of the Trading Post.


Calls himself a whale, doesn’t have every buyable mount

Lies detected, ggnore


I buy all the mounts I find interesting lol.

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So you’re not a whale


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Ladies and gentleman, the mobile gamer generation.



They gonna have them in bundles so you can buy bundles to get the tenders

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I would probably buy some as well, but at the very least I am glad to hear that they will be parts of bundles and such.


Sure, Jan. I’ve been playing WoW since Vanilla on my original account and Draenor on this one. But yeah, I’m totally a mobile gamer :joy:
Either way, it doesn’t affect anyone else’s gameplay to monetize on it. If subs are down they need to make up revenue somewhere.

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sure it does.

it impacts everyone who just wants it to remain as it was intended.

how does it affect your gameplay if you don’t get everything NOW, and instead just wait a few months like everyone else?


Yes it does. Because it’ll mean prices will go up on items just for you to be lazy and not play the game.

Trading Post wasn’t intended to be for the shop. It’s intended to make you play the game.

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You don’t know what a whale is if you think WoW is capable of having whales.

If they keep everything the same as it is now and just sell tender I couldn’t care less tbh

Refer back to the “gainfully employed” bit. I’d rather split time away from work between my family and WoW, thank you.

Has zero to do with you screwing over a good in game event system just so you can not play the game.

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It’s not screwing it over. And even if you do all the events to get the end reward, you still wont’ have enough tendies to purchase all the cosmetics if that’s what you want to do for every month. Have to save up for everything. Someone’s just salty at the idea of someone able to pay a little extra to enjoy things.

dragons are supposed to sleep on their treasure pile. not spend it