I tried pulling the files from the Raidbots repositories but it’s different from what the current GSA files is formatted in. I don’t know how to reformat it without doing everything manually so that GSA can read it. Would you be able to write a script that could do that so that whenever a new update drops, old GSA users could keep using it?
I always assumed it was limited to something like 100 entries at a time and you had to cycle through it (each a new call)
I have a hard time accepting when you open the default UI and search it just gives you the entire dump all at once mostly because it seems like bad design. However if that is actually the case well then that is the case.
Yup, just click “Search” in the default UI and everything is there. You can quickly scroll with the scrollbar just to verify it’s not all separate if you want.
If they change the API to throttle dumping, they’ll affect their own UI in the process.
I’m sure I could but not sure I would want to. I’ll review the app and API before even thinking about that. I would especially like to know why they killed the app. I don’t want to just pick up someone’s app out of the blue and start working on it for people.
The automated ah addon took over and proved to be a better form of shopping than using the web api. The difference is that one of exclusive to a few programmers while GSA is a public tool that’s slightly out of date. If a public addon with the specifics discussed here was available for everyone, I think GSA would truly be dead.
@OP your question for the thread’s discussion is, “is it fair?”
You believe that the activity of the individual(s) using the described approach is not “hacking” nor is it a bot per se, and so there’s nothing to report to the Blizzard hack e-mail. Fair enough. Yet if that’s the case, IMHO the question of “fair” here becomes irrelevant.
I’m not a programmer and don’t have the skills to write my own scripts/utilities to tie into the available API(s) and do such a thing. But I’m a casual player too, and as such simply don’t have the time to be a progression raider, as we used to call them. Does that make the reality that I don’t have BiS gear “unfair” because those folks do? The analogy only works so far, I fully admit, but if the individual is not doing anything against the ToU, and is not hacking…the actuality may very well be that it is unfair from a subjective point of view…but the concept of fair or unfair here is completely irrelevant. My two cents.
I would say this is much more destructive than multiboxing ever was. The person running this custom addon says they’ve already made over 500m since they found the bug. They’ve also been able to claim most of the TCG mounts that have since been removed from the game. If an actual bot creator were to utilize this, it would destroy the auction house.
Here’s what I think is being abused. I can also send you relatable evidence in game if you’d like to look into it yourself.
function Auctionator.Search.GetEmptyResult(searchTerm, index)
– Remove “” from exact searches so it sorts properly
local cleanSearchParameter = searchTerm:gsub(“”", “”)
return {
itemKey = {
itemID = 1217, – Valid item ID, “Unknown Reward”, but unobtainable
itemLevel = index, – Differentiate between different empty results
itemSuffix = 0,
battlePetSpeciesID = 0
itemName = Auctionator.Search.PrettifySearchString(searchTerm),
iconTexture = 0,
name = cleanSearchParameter,
totalQuantity = 0,
minPrice = 0,
containsOwnerItem = false,
Something like this, where you send an empty string, which is then automated, is what’s being taken advantage of. Even if the empty string is patched, the scanning being automated still allows people to “multibox” the auction house if they have the free time. Until scanning for items is a 1 = 1 input, abusers will always find new loopholes. The code might be wrong and since I’m not a programmer, idk where to look but I know it’s somewhere in Auctionator.
Again, I don’t think the person using this automation is cheating because automating scan is allowed for now. I think it’s more of an area that has no definitions and is a wild west scenario until it’s looked into by our overlords.
I dunno if ‘player outcry’ had much to do with it. I personally think they were just lazy and slow to act.
While multiboxing was (and is) used only to play characters at the same time on a number of accounts, that isn’t a problem as far as the rules go. However, over the years more and more people created input broadcasting software techniques to automate the function of multiple characters. For a long time they did nothing about it but eventually decided that it WAS against their rules and put a stop to it. To me, the real issue wasnt that they did it, it was that they took so long to do it.